Kiltearn Features

Attribution: Photo copyright S. Fraser

Entrance to Evanton

Entrance to Evanton from the South (war memorial on left and Fyrish in background)

Entrance to Evanton from the South (war memorial on left and Fyrish in background)

Attribution: unknown

Foulis Castle

Foulis Castle, ancestral home of the Clan Munro. 

Gathering of Clan Munro

Attribution: unknown


Fyrish monument

Attribution: RCHS

Balconie Castle

Between the late 15th and 17th century this castle was held by the Clan Munro family.

By World War 2 it was owned as a summer residence by George Bankes. Requisitioned by the Army it was used as a billet for personnel at the nearby Royal Naval Air Station.

Post-war it was purchased by an Alness timber merchant and lay empty. Dry rot was found and the castle was considered to be so unsafe that demolition was the only solution. This took place in the 1960s and the stone was used in the new Smelter at Invergordon.

There is little remaining, apart from a field, an icehouse and the walled garden.

Balconie Castle

Attribution: unknown

Kiltearn Beach

Kiltearn beach on the Cromarty Firth, at high tide.

Kiltearn beach on the Cromarty Firth, at high tide.

Attribution: unknown

Black Rock Caravan site

Black Rock caravan park.  photo taken some years ago.)

Black Rock caravan park.

Attribution: (RCHS)

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