Kiltearn WW II

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Photo: #7925

Guardsman D. Corbett

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Guardsman D. Corbett

Date of Paper: 16.06.1944
Surname: Corbett
Forename(s): D.
Rank: Guardsman
Regiment: Scots Guards
Home Address: Novar Street, Evanton

No Headline

Official information has been received by Mr and Mrs Corbett, Novar Street, Evanton, that their youngest son, Guardsman D. Corbett, Scots Guards, has been wounded in Italy. A later report states that he received shrapnel wounds in both legs and that he is making satisfactory progress.

Photo: #7927

Lieutenant (Acting Captain) William A. Fraser

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Lieutenant (Acting Captain) William A. Fraser

Date of Paper: 13.10.1944
Surname: Fraser
Forename(s) William A.
Rank: Lieutenant (Acting Captain)
Regiment: Airborne Troops
Home Address: Abercorn, Evanton

No Headline

Lieut. (Acting Captain) William A. Fraser, Airborne Troops, killed in action at Arnhem, was the youngest son of Mr and Mrs Angus Fraser, Abercorn, Evanton, and was 28 years of age. He was at the Benmore Forestry School, Dunoon, and had joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders when war broke out. He went to France and was wounded at St. Valery. On recovering he received a commission in The Seaforths and served with the Commandos before he was transferred to the 1st Airborne Division. While in Evanton, Captain Fraser took a great interest in the Boy Scouts. A keen footballer, he played for the Black Rock Rovers, and later became an invaluable member of the Ross County Club, regularly playing in the half-back line. His untimely death will be deplored by many. Deep sympathy is extended to his parents, his sister (Mrs Fiddes, Edinburgh), and two brothers, Donald, The Lodge, Kinlochewe, and John, in the RAF.

Photo: #7924

Captain Hector Gascoigne

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Captain Hector Gascoigne

Date of Paper: 19.07.1940
Surname: Gascoigne
Forename(s): Hector
Rank: Captain
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Ardullie Lodge, Dingwall

No Headline

Captain Patrick Munro of Foulis, and Captain Hector Gascoigne, The Seaforths, have both been reported missing. Sons of the late Lieut. Colonel Cecil Gascoigne, D.S.O., The Seaforths, and of Mrs Gascoigne of Ardullie, and grandsons of the late Colonel Sir Hector Munro of Foulis, Bart., and of Lady Munro of Foulis, both were serving in the 51st Division and are believed to be prisoners of war. Capt. Patrick Munro, it will be recalled, succeeded to the estate of Foulis on the death of his grandfather, taking the old family name. He is Chief of Clan Munro (Association). The attachements of the House of Foulis with The Seaforths, direct and indirect, have been long and intimate. The heir to the title, Captain Hector Munro, yr. of Foulis, fell in the last war shortly before the Armistice while serving with The Seaforth Highlanders.

Handwritten notes: “Prisoner of War 9th August, 1940. Pat liberated 11th May, 1945. Hector liberated 18th May, 1945.” See also “War Diary”

Photo: #7922

Able Seaman William Lyon

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Able Seaman William Lyon

Date of Paper: 18.10.1944
Surname: Lyon
Forename(s): William
Rank: Able Seaman
Regiment: Merchant Navy and Royal Navy
Home Address: Florida Place, Evanton


A.B. William Lyon, Merchant Navy, attached to the Royal Navy, who has died of injuries received while on duty in September, and was buried at sea, was a son of Mr and Mrs William Lyon, Florida Place, Evanton. Twenty-three years of age, deceased was educated at Kiltearn Public School, and was learning the carpentry trade in Dingwall when he joined the Merchant Navy. To the sorrowing father and mother and two sisters and brother, deep sympathy is extended. Mr Lyon is well remembered in Dingwall, where for some years he was on the staff of Messrs Matheson & Sons, architects.

Photo: #7929

Private D. Munro

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Private D. Munro

Date of Paper: 12.07.1940
Surname: Munro
Forename(s): D.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Camden Street, Evanton

No Headline

Handwritten notes: “Missing. Employed with Mr K Mackenzie, agricultural engineers, Evanton.”

Photo: #7931

Trooper Donald Munro

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Trooper Donald Munro

Date of Paper: 08.08.1941
Surname: Munro
Forename(s): Donald
Rank: Trooper
Regiment: Royal Tank Regiment
Home Address: Kildonan House, Evanton

No Headline

Trooper Donald Munro, Royal Tank Regiment, is reported a prisoner of war in Italy. He is a son of Mr Hugh Munro, Kildonan House, Evanton, and a gardener to trade. Serving his time with Mr Bankes of Balconie, he was employed by the North of Scotland College of Agriculture, Craibstone, before called to the Colours.

Photo: #7923

Bombardier A. R. Paul

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Bombardier A. R. Paul

Date of Paper: 27.11.1942
Surname: Paul
Forename(s): A. R.
Rank: Bombardier
Regiment: Royal Artillery
Home Address: Smithy Cottages, Foulis, Evanton

No Headline

Mrs Paul, Smithy Cottages, Foulis, Evanton, has been officially notified that her husband. Br. A. R. Paul, R.A., died of wounds in the Middle East on 24th October, 1942. A native of Aberdeen, he married Miss Mary Polson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Polson, Smithy Cottages, Evanton, three days before he left for Egypt. Prior to her marriage, Mrs Polson was employed in the Dingwall Laundry.

Photo: #7930

Sergeant G. Robertson

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Sergeant G. Robertson

Date of Paper: 06.10.1944
Surname: Robertson
Forename(s): G.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Lagavoulin, Novar, Evanton

No Headline

Sgt. G. Robertson, The Seaforths, wounded in Burma, is a son of Mrs Robertson, Lagavoulin, Novar. His brothers are serving in the Navy.

Photo: #7928

Private Alastair Rodgers

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Private Alastair Rogers

Date of Paper: 12.07.1940
Surname: Rogers
Forename(s): Alastair
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Livera Street, Evanton

No Headline

Handwritten notes: “Son of Mr G. H. Rogers, merchant, and worked with his father. Missing. Prisoner of War 9th August, 1940. Liberated 25th May, 1945.”

Photo: #7926

Lance Corporal Lannie Watt

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Lance Corporal Lannie Watt

Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Watt
Forename(s): Lannie
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: The Hill, Evanton

No Headline

L/Cpl. Lannie Watt, The Seaforths, who is reported missing, is a son of Mr and Mrs James Watt, The Hill, Evanton.

Handwritten notes: “Prisoner of War 30th August, 1940. 23rd July, 1943 – Died as the result of an accident.”

Page updated on 28 August 2023

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