Attribution: Unknown (The wishing-tree on Isle Maree, Loch Maree)

Computer work

This is our Apple Mac computer. We play games on our computer and we sometimes write our stories.

[Ella McDonagh, Primary 1, Poolewe Primary School.]

Apple Computer Work

Attribution: unknown

Primary 4-7

I took a photograph of Primary 4-7 in their classroom. They were all busy working. There are 19 pupils in P4-7 and 11 pupils in P1-3.

[James Macbride, Primary 3]

Primary Class 4-7

Attribution: unknown

The drama lesson

The children are doing Drama with Mrs Nimmo. We have lots of fun pretending to be different people.

[Tom Hardman, Primary 3.]

Drama Lesson

Attribution: unknown

The classroom shop

We like to dress up and play in our shop which is a fruit and vegetable shop.

[Ella MacDonagh, Primary 1.]

The Classroom Shop

Attribution: unknown

The library area

This is where we like to look at books. My favourite book is “Not now, Bernard”.

[Rebecca Macbride, Primary 1.]

The Library Area

Attribution: unknown

Music lesson

We make lots of music with our musical instruments. Mrs Macdonald shows us what to do and then we practise it for the next week.

[Lewis Martin, Primary 2.]

Music Lesson

Attribution: unknown

The playground

We have a big playground with lots of trees in it. We play skipping with a big skipping rope, football and we are practising for our sports day at Aultbea.

[Amy Mitchell, Primary 2.]

The Playground

Attribution: unknown

The dining room

This is a photograph of the dining room where we have our lunch. My favourite lunch is burger rolls. The lunches for Inverasdale School are also cooked here and are taken to the school by car.

[Steven Mackay, Primary 3.]

The Dining Room

Attribution: unknown

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