Applecross Place Names
Attribution: RCHS (Milton village)
Applecross Parish
Applecross ;
“Malruba fundavit ecclesiam Aporcrosan 673” (Tighernac’s Annals).
This also the form which occurs in the Aberdeen Breviary ; but Ablecross 1275 (Theiner Vet. Mon.). The old forms show the meaning to be ‘estuary of the Crosan,’ and the best native authority available to me gave the name of the Applecross river as Abhainn Crossan. There is also a field by the river side known as Crossan, and entered under that name in the valuation roll. Crossan may be a genuine old river name, Crosona , with which of. the River Crosa, now Creuse, a triburary of the Vienne, which again is a tributary of the Loire.* * The usual explanation of Crossan is “Place of Crosses”. This would of course imply that the name was given subsequent to the arrival of the Christian settlers, a rather difficult supposition in view of the Pictish ‘aber’. The word is more likely to by Pictish throughout. The parish however, in Gaelic is always spoken as ‘a’ Chomraich,’ the girth, from the right of sanctuary, extending, it is said, for six miles in all directions, possessed by the monastery founded by Malruba. ‘In Applecross’ is idiomatically ‘air [not anns] a’ Chomraich”. The minister of Applecross is, however, not ‘Ministir na Comraich,” but, logically enough, ‘Ministir a’ Chlachain’ (Minister of the Clachan), and the hill behind the church and manse is Beinn a’ Chlachain, the ‘clachan’ denoting primarily the cell or the church of stone used by the early missionaries. Ecclesiastically there is no spot in Ross, nor, indeed, with the exception of Iona, in Scotland, more venerable than the churchyard of Applecross, which contains, according to Dr Reevee, the site of that monastic settlement which was founded by Malruba, and from which he laboured as the Apostle of the North. Malruba’s grave is still pointed out, marked by two low round pillar stones, and within a yard or two of the spot so marked there was excavated, the incumbency of the late minister, what appears from the present indication to have been a cist burial. Nor has the belief, mentioned by Dr Reeves, died out, that the possession of some earth from the saint’s tomb ensures safety in travelling, and a return to Applecross. The sculptured stone on the left as one enters the graveyard, known as ‘Clach Ruairidh mhoir Mhic Caoigean,’ has been described by Dr Reevee ; but he did not see the beautifully carved fragments of a cross shaft which are built into the wall of the small chapel-like building at the east side, showing spiral, fret, and interlaced ornament.
It is said that when the present church was built several carved stones were buried under the gravel path near the south wall.
The Strath of Applecross is ‘Strath Maolchaluim’-Strath of Malcolm. This, which is the name given by the oldest inhabitants, is being corrupted into ‘Srath Maor-chaluim,’ or, worse still, ‘Cull-chaluim’.
The holy well by the roadside, west of Applecross House, is unfortunately nameless. Near it are the four trees in the form of an oblong, which with a (supposed) crab-apple tree in the centre, were absurdly propounded as the origin of the name Applecross. This is the supposed site of Malruba’s cell, and is called Lagan na comraich, the little hollow of the sanctuary.
Rudha nan Uamhag ;
Promontory of the hollows, or the small caves, the most southerly point of Applecross ; named from
Uags ; G. Na h-Uamhagan, the hollows. It is a tiny township.
Toscaig ;
Toskag 1662 ;
G. Toghscaig (close o) ; ‘t-hauga-skiki,’ how-strip ; ‘hauga,’ a cairn, barrow, how. There is also Abhainn Thoghacaig, the river of Toscaig, and Loch Thoghscaig, the loch of Toscaig.
Coillegillie ; Coille-ghillidh, Gilli’s wood.
An Airde Bhan ; The white promontory ; also Sron na h-airde bhan, nose of the same.
Culduie ; G. Cuil-duibh (locative), the black nook.
Am Poli Creadhaich ; (O.S.M. Poll creadha)-Clay pool.
Camusterach ; G. Camas-teirach ; am Macan enrach, north of it on the shore is a rock column. Probably Camas(t)-earach, Easter bay, with devoloped t ; of. An drast for an trath-s’.
Camusteel ; G. Camas-teile ; ? Linden Bay from G. teile, borrowed from Latin tilia, a linden tree.
Milton ; G. Bail’ a’mhuilinn ; also Loch a’ mhuilnn.
An Fhaoilinn ; The beach-field, opposite the manse of Applecross. Behind it is Cadha na Faoilinn, pass of the ‘faoilinn’.
Applecross Mains ; Of old Borrodale, from N. borgr, a burg or stronghold, and dalr, a dale ; ‘Fort-dale’ ; Gaelic curiously accents the second syllable, which suggests that some third element, e.g. a’, river, has to be reckoned with. Near this appears to have been Sardale, muddy dale. A third Norse name in dale is Coire Sganadail, Corry of Scanadale, from N. Skam-dair, Short-dale. It is west from Coire nan aradh, Ladder Corry. Langwell, Longfield.
Hartfield ; G. Coille-mhuiridh, wood of the bulwork ; murach, place of the mur, or rampart, bulwark, which here would serve to keep the river to its channel. A local song has ‘Coille-mhuiridh da thaobh na h-aibhn” ; on both sides of the river. DrRee ves takes it to be ‘Colle Mhourie,’ Malruba’s wood, but accent and quantity combine to make this impossible. Near the keeper’s house is a pool called Poll a’ bhior or a’ Bhior-pholl ; bior is an old Ir. word glossed ‘water’ and ‘well’ ; ‘Well-pool’.
An t-allt Mor, big burn, comes down opposite. Its head branches are Alt a’ chiairn dheirg, from Carn Dearg, Red Cairn (2119), and An t-allt grada, ugly burn.
Maol an uillt mhoir ; Bare hill of the big burn.
Coire Attadale ; Corry of Attadale. Attadale seems to have been Norse name of what is now called Srath-Mhaol-Chaluim. It is a very wild corry, branching off at right angles from the head of Strath-Mhaol-Chaluim. G. Coire Attadail ; of Attadale in Locharron.
An Crua’ruigh ; Hard slope, west of the manse.
Rudha na guaille ; Shoulder-promontory ; also Allt na guaille.
Allt na mucarachd ; Burn of the piggery.
Allt Tausamhaig (O.S.M. Allt sabhsach)-Norse ‘t-hausa-vik,’ skull bay.
Cruinn-leum, the round leap, is a narrow rounded bay ; of the common Cuing-leum, narrow leap, in English Coylum.
Sand ; G. ‘sannd’ Norse ‘sand’. Behind it is
Am meall gaineamhach ; Sandy hill.
Salachar (final ‘a’ open) on a small burn ; an extension of ‘sailech,’ willow ; with meaning ‘place of willows’ ; cf. Croch-ar, place of the gallows ; also the common Sallachy. There are I am told, no willows now.
Ard na claise moire ; Point of the big gully.
Lonban ; G. An Lon ban, white damp meadow ; near it are Rudha na moine, peat point ; and Allt na moine, peat burn. Nea Lonban is a cave on the sea shore called an Eiginn (e’), perhaps meaning ‘the place of resort in danger’.
Calnakil ; Culnakle 1662 ; Harbour of the cell ; an old church name. G. Cal na cille
Cuaig ; Norse ‘kua-vik,’ cow bay ; the bay is now ‘ob Chuaig’. There are, besides the bay and townships, rudha Chaig, abhainn Chaig (the latter from Loch gaineamhach), and eilean Chuaig.
Rudha na ferna ; Alder point.
Ob na h-Uamha ; Cave bay ; also Creag na h-Uamha, rock of the cave. The cave in question is on the east side of the headland, facing the north-eastern bight of Ob na0Uamba, and is called an Uaimh Shiannta, the charmed or tabooed cave. The most northerly point of Applecross, Sron an Iarruinn, Iron point, wrongly given on the O.S.M. as Rudha na h-Uamha, which latter name belongs to the headland that projects north-westward into Obna h-Uamha.
Fearmore and Fearnbeg ; “The Farnacks Litill and Meikil” (Ret) : big and little Fearn ; from ‘fearna,’ alder. The two places are commonly called na Fearnan.
Faingmore and Roinn an fhing mhoir ; Big fank and big fank point.
Rudh’ a’ chamais ruaidh ; Red bay point.
Sgeir an eoin (O.S.M., Sgeir neonach) ; Bird skerry.
Alrigh nan Cruineachd (O.S.M. Arrin-a-chruinach) ; ‘Cruineachd,’ what as the writer of the Old Stat Acc. Saw, is out of the question ; and we can hardly escape the conclusion that here we have to do with the Cruithne, the Gaelic name of the Picts. Cf. An Carnan Cruineachd, in Kintail. The Old Stat. Acc. Says “Arenacrionuie, literally, sheiling of wheat, is clearly a corruption of ‘arenan Druinich,’ of the Druids,” which is still the popular notion. There is another place of this name near Scourie.
Camas an eilein ; Island bay ; the island is An gardh eilean, the rough island called in O.S.M. Eilean mor. Further on is Glas sgeir, grey skerry.
Kenmore ; G. a’ Cheannmhor ; ceannmhor (Ir. cend-mhor or cendmar) means ‘big-headed’ ; ef. Ceanndearg, red-headed., This adjective seems to be here used as a noun fem. The G. of Kenmore in Perthshire is the same, and both are accented on the first syllable. Sron na Ceannmhoir, Kenmore point.
Loch Craiceach or Loch a’ chraicich (O.S.M. Loch Creageach) ; ‘Craiceach’ or ‘croiceach’ means (1) rising into foam ; (2) full of cast seaweed (H.S.D.) ; and the latter meaning suits very well here. At the head of the loch is an Craiceach, the place where the sea-weed collects.
Ardhesiaig –? Ardestag 1662 ; G. Ard-heisleag ; Norse ‘hesla-vik,’ hazel bay ; thus with Gaelic ‘ard’ prefixed, meaning point of the hazel bay.
Sron a’ mhais ; Point of the buttock ; mas Aird-heisleig and mas Diabaig or mas na h-Araird opposite it, two great ice-smoothed and rounded rocky promontories, are known as An da mhas, the two buttocks.
Ob na h-acairseid ; Bay of the anchorage ; a narrow cleft in the eastern side of Ardheslaig.
Inverbane ; G. an Inir-ban, white estuary ; the outlet of the Abhainn Dhubh from Loch Lundie.
Rhuroin ; Seal point.
Doire-aorar ; Lonely copse ; and Ceann locha, ioch head at head of Loch Shieldaig.
Shieldaig ; G. Sildeag, Norse ‘sild-vik,’ herring bay ; the herrings are not now as numerous as they were. There is another Shieldaig in Gairloch. In Shieldaig Bay is Eilean Shildeig, with Clach na h-Annaid, Stone of the mother church facing the village, the name of a mass of rock which fell from the cliff above, and said to be modern. Behind the village is Gascan, G. an Gasgan, the little tail, extremity ; applied to a place where a plateau ends in an acute angle and narrows down to the vanishing point; of Gask. On the north side of Ben Shieldaig is Creag Challdris, or rather Chaldarais, rock of the gloomy hazel wood ; G. call, hazel, and dubhras, a dark wood. An corran, the Point.
Bail’ a’ Mhinistir ; Minister’s town ; Camas an leum, Bay of the leap ;
Camas ruadh, Red bay ; all on east side of Loch Shieldaig.
Badcall ; Hazel-chump ; inside the narrows (O.S.M. Badcallda).
Casaig ; On east side of Loch Shieldaig, is a perpendicular rock ; from cas, steep, ‘the little steep one.’
Eilean a’ chaoil ; Strait isle, at entrance to Loch Torridon.
Doir a’chlaginn ; Skull copse ; the ‘claigionn’ is an ice-rounded hill.
Ob ‘mheallaidh ; Deceitful bay ; it is dangerous owing to large boulders. Its south-west angle is Camas da Phaidlein, Bay of two Patons or Patricks.
Camas a’ chlarsair ; Harper’s bay.
Balgy ; Balgy 1624 ; G. Balgaidh ; a township near the mouth of the river Balgy from Loch Damh ; ‘bubbly stream.’ Cf. Strathbogy, G. Strath bhalgaidh. Balgy is a fairly common stream name.
Badan Vugie (Mhugaidh) ; As the article is not prefixed, the second part is probably a proper name ; perhaps Mungo’s little chump.
Ob gorm beag and Ob gorm mor ; Little and big green bay ; two pretty inlets, near Dubh-airde (Dmart), black point.
Camas Drol ; Rather Camas Trol ; the burn falling into it rises in Cloire Rol, and is called Allt Coire Rol, a roaring noise ; the burn runs a very steep course over numerous boulders. The name of the bay, Cams Trol, probably contains the same word with t developed between s and r.
Annat ; G. an Annaid, ‘the mother church,’ with an ancient grave-yard and chapel ; dedication unknown. Behind it is Beinn na h-Englaise, Church-hill.
An t-Ath Darach ; The oak ford ; below Annat bridge.
Loch Neimhe ; (O.S.M. Loch nam Fiadh) ; from its situation can hardly be connected with neimihd, seen in Dalnavie. &c. Lhuyd gives neimh brightness (dealradh), which would give good sense ‘Gleaming Loch’ ; cf. Loch Loyne. From it comes.
Abhainn Trail ; Cf. Poll Traill, Monar ; this rather obscure name may be from trail, a tough (Lluyd), a loan from Lat trulla. ‘Trough pool’ is good sense nor is ‘Trough river’ inappropriate,
Torridon ;
Torvirtayne 1464 ;
Torredone 1584 ;
G. Toir(bh)eartan ;
cf. Ir. tairbhert, to transfer, carry over the meaning of ‘Place of transference,’ with reference to the portage from the head of Loch Torridon through Glen Torridon to Loch Maree. It can hardly come direct from G. tairbart a portage, as the b of ‘tairbeart’ never aspirates. The name applies specially to the strip of land at the head of the loch.
Liathach (3456), pronounced Liathghach, the gh developing naturally ; ‘the hoary place.’ The name is more appropriate to Beinn Eighe, which except for the deep gash separating the two, is a continuation of Liathach towards Kinlochewe, and, enveloped in hoary gray screers, forms a striking contrast to the ruddy tiers and buttresses of its neighbour. A common derivation is Liaghach, place of the ladle or ladles, but this seems merely absurd. An Rathan, ‘the pulley,’ designates two jagged stumps of rock near the top of the mountain, and seen from the sky-line from the head of Loch Torridon. ‘Rathan’ is the local name for the grooved pulley at the end of the spindle of a spinning wheel which receives the driving cord. Another place-name at Torridon contains the word. The ridge falling eastwards from the highest point of Ben Alligin is deeply notched three times, so that it presents a serrated outline of three peaks and notches and these are named na Rathanan, ‘the pulleys.’
Liathach s mac air muain.
Liathach with her son on her back.
Spidean a’ Choire Leith, Pinnacle of the gray corry, is the highest peak of Liathach.
Sgorr a’ Chadail ; Sleep scaur.
Fasag ; G. an fasag, a hardened form of the O. Gael. ‘fasadh,’ a dwelling ; oef. An Cromfhasag (Cromasag), near Kinlochewe ; Fasnakyle, Fassiefern, Dochanassie, the Perthshire Foss, Teanassie, etc.
Am ploc or Ploc an Doire ; The lump, or lump of the grove, a small rounded projection with narrow neck extending into the loch. It has an arrangement of stone seats, once used for open air services. Cf. Plockton.
Coire mhic Cromuil also Coire mhic Nobuill.
Corrivicromble 1793 ;
Corrivicknobill 1663, 1672,
Corrivicknoble 1668, 1672, 1741 ;
these forms go to prove Coire nbic Nobuill to be the older form of the name. MacNoble was a common surname, though now only Noble.
Beinn Dearg (2995) ; Red Hill ; west of which is
Beinn Aillginn (3232) ; Ben of Alligin ; there is also the township of Alligin and
Inveralligin ; G. Inbhir-aliginn, which proves Alligin to be a stream name. It is usually connected with aileag, a jewel, a pretty woman, which may possibly be correct ; but the single l in ailiginn is a serious difficulty.
An t-Alltan Labhar ; The loud little burn, from Loch na Beiste, the Monster’s Loch. O.S.M. Allt Lair.
An Lagaidh dhubh (O.S.M. Lagan dubh) ; the black hollow, a patch of land among the rocks, facing seawards. North of it is
Port Laire ; Port of Lair ; Lair is the name of the place, meaning probably here ‘low place.’
An Araird ; The Fore-headand ; G. air, aird ; ef. Urard at Killiecrankie, at the junction of Tummel and Garry.
Creag nan caolan ;Gut-rock, between Araird and Port Lair, so called from pegmatite veins in it.
Diabaig — Norse ‘djuo-vik,’ deep bay ; cf, the numerous Dibidales. The bay itself is deep, and is surrounded by hills. Its remoteness and security are indicated by the saying ; “‘S fhada bho ‘n lagh Diabaig, s’ fhaide na sin sios Mealabharg” ; Far from the law is Diabaig, yet farther is Melvaig. “A far cry to Lochow.”
We shall now take the principal names of the interior of Applecross, which have not yet been mentioned.
A’ Bhinn Bhan (2936) ; The white hill ; the highest in Applecross proper.
The corries on the north side of A’ Bhinn Bhan are ; Coire Each, Horse corry ; Coire na Feola, Flesh corry ; Coire na Poite, Caldron corry ; Coire an Fhamhair, Giant’s corry ; all magnificent corries.
Sgurr a’ Chaorachain (2539) ; (O.S.M. Sgorr na Caorach). Based on ‘caoir,’ a blaze of fire, with the secondary meaning of torrent. The mountain is extremely steep on the Kishorn side.
Meall Aoghaireachaidh (O.S.M., Meall an fhireeachan) ; ‘Hill of shepherding.’ It is N. E. of Beinn a’ Chlachain, and marks the spot where the green plain of Srath Maol-chaluim changes into the bleak uplands of Applecross.
Near it is Meall nan doireachan, hill of the copses.
Eas nan cuinneag ; Waterfall of the buckets, in a dangerous gorge beside the path at the head of Applecross Glen. The buckets are pot-holes. Cf. Carn Cuinneag, in Rosskeen.
Fuaid or an Fhuaid (O.S.M. Meall na h-uaidne) ; ‘Fuat’ appears in the Lecan glossary as ‘bier.’ There is a Sliabh Fuait in Ireland.
At its foot, not far from the path is Uamh an righ, the king’s cave.
Croic bheinn ; Antler hill.
Staonag ; The bent or crooked hill, e. of Loch Lundie ; a fem diminutive from staon, bent.
Loch Lundie ; G. Loch Lunndaidh, a Pictish name ; v. Maoil Lunndaidh, Contin.
Loch Gobach (O.S.M. Loch Ceopach) ; Snouted loch.
Loch na maola fraochaich (O.S.M. Loch Meall an fhraoich) ; Loch of the heathery brow.
Loch na h-oidhche (O.S.M. Loch na h-eangaich) ; Night loch. The name is common, and is applied to lochs that fish best at night. It is near the bigger of the two lochs Gaineanheach.
Coire nan ardh (‘dh’ hardened to ‘g’) ; O.S.M.
Coire nam faradh ; ladder corry. Through it there was once, before the Bealach road was formed, a ladder-like path ascending by tiers of steps in the rock face.
Bealach an t-suidhe ; Pass of sitting or resting ; the route of pedestrians between Applecross and Shielding.
Am Bealach ; The gap or pass, or Bealach nam Bo, Pass of Kine, is the name of that remarkable road, rising among barren rocks and frowning precipices to a height of 2054 feet, which affords the only means of entrance to Applecross by land.
Loch an loin ; Loch of the damp meadow. It is really part of the larger
Loch Coultrie ; G. Loch Caoltraidh, Loch of the narrow place an extension of ‘caol,’ narrow with developed ‘t’ ; ‘caolt-ar-adh,’ ; Kildary. Caoltroidh is at the south end of the loch.
Loch Damh and Beinn Damh ; Stag loch and hill. Beinn Damh gives its name to the deer forest. Also Doire Damh, Stag thicket.
Srath a’ Bhtaich Byre-strath, opening on to Loch Damh. Cf. Strathvaich, in Contin. Na Mulcanan, innumerable hillocks filling part of Strathvaich, exactly resembling the Coire Ceud Chnoc formation in Glen Torridon. Mulcan is used in common speech as equivalent to bucaid, a pustule ; hence na mulcanan means the little mounds.
Loch Dughall ; Dougald’s Loch, in Glen Shieldaig.
Sgurr na bana-mhorair ; The lady’s scaur ; the lady was placed on the top of it by her cruel lord and fed with shell-fish. The shells may still be seen !
Loch Uaill ; Proud loch ; above it is Meall Loch Uaill, in O.S.M. Meall a’ Ghuail, Coal or Charcoal hill ; a very natural mistake, which is corrected with certainity only from the name of the loch.
Na Botagan and Creag nam Botag ; There are three little flats, terraced one above the other, at the foot of the rock (creag). The natives assert the meaning to be ‘the little flast’ ; but bota locally means a wet or soft channel in a peat moss. Cf. Bottacks at Achterneed.
Loch na(m) Frianach ; Loch of the place of roots ; also Cadha na’ Frianach, Path of the same ; cf. Sron na Frianaich in Contin.
Airigh nan Druineach ; Shieling of the ? Druids of Carn man seachd Druineachan in Glenfintaig, and Poll Druineachan, etc. in Lochcarron.
Loch an Turaraich ; (O.S.M., Loch an Treudaich), also Creag an Turaraich, Loch and Rock of the rumbling or rattling noise.
Rassal ; Rassor 1583 ; Rassoll 1633 ; G. Rasal ; N. hross-vollr, Hores-field ; cf. Rossal in Sutherland.
Russel ; Ressor 1583 ; G. Risseail ; N. hryssa vollr, Mare-field/
Aridrishaig ; G. an airigh dhriseach, thorny shieling.
Crowlin Islands ; G. Crolaig, but also Crolainn ; An Linne Chrolaigeach, the pool of Crowlin, between these islands and Scalpay.
Coire Ceud Chnoc ; Corry of a hundred knolls, on the road between Kinlochewe and Torridon. The corry is literally packed with small rounded hillocks, a formation seen often elsewhere in the Highlands, but nowhere perhaps in such perfection. Cf. Na Mulcanan.
Allt nan Corp ;A tributary of Abhainn Traill ; Burn of the Bodies, to wit bodies of clay, placed there for evil purposes of magic.
Cadha nan Sgadan ; The part of the path leading to Strathcarron on the slopes of Meall Loch Uaill. “Path of the herrings” ; cf. Creachann nan Sgadan.
Sgeir an t-Salainn ; Skerry of the salt. A rock, uncovered at low water only, where formerly, it is said the fat of seals and porpoises used to be melted down.
Port an t-Saoir ;Wright’s haven.
Tor Fhionnlaidh ; Finlay’s rock, where a Kintail man, Finlay Macrae, who hanged himself, is buried.
Creag Raonailt ;Rachel’s rock ; N. Ragnhildr
Cos Dubh Bean a’ Ghranndaich ; The black nook of Grant’s wife ; where the original owner of the famed Annat skull drowned herself.
Carn an t-Suidhe ; Cairn of the sitting, about half a mile west of Ben Damph Lodge, said by local tradition to have been a resting-place of Malruba’s body on its way to Applecross.
Port ‘ic-ghille-Chaluim Rarsaidh ; The landing place of Maegilliecallum of Raasay. This is the little bay where the Hon. Capt. Lionel F. King-Noel’s boathouse is. There seems to have been a skirmish here once with the Raasay men. An Annat man, whose son and house had been burnt by the Raasay band, is said to have performed some destructive archery practice from Sgeir na Saighid, killing whole boat-load by himself !
Ann Mol Mor ; The great shingle bank, between Annat and mouth of Torridon river. Also called Faoilinn na h-Annaite, sea beach of Annat.
Na Campainchean ; The Camps ; two narrow dells running from Port an t-Seobhaic, Hawk’s port, and Ob na Callich, Old Woman’s Bay (or Nun’s Bay). This bay is also called an t-ob Laghaich, the muddy bay (for lathaich ).
Cadha na Mine, path of the meal, is to be taken along with Glac dhubh a’ Chais, the dark hollow of the cheese, and Bac nan Cisteachan, the ridge of the chests all just above Annat. After the Rebellion of 1745 a Government vessel entered Loch Torridon, and the people, though they are said to have been neutral, thought it wise to remove themselves and their gear from harm’s way. Hence those names.
Airigh nam Bard ; Shieking of the Bards, possibly of the meadows ; but it is high up.
Tunna Beag ; The little cask, a small rock on Sail na Beinne Bige, a spur of Ben Damh, from which a spring rises, making a noise of water working about in a cask.
Garaidh nam Broc ; The badgers den.
Tollnam Biast ; Hole of the monsters, also Spidean and Stuc Toll nam Biast on Ben Damh.
Allt an Turaraich ; This burn makes a great rumbling noise.
Creag an Dath ; The dyeing rock.
Criathrach Buidhe ; The yellow marsh, from criathar, a sieve ; hence a boggy place.
Gob nan Uisgeachan ; The point (beak) between the waters ; a confluence.
Achadh Cul-a mhill ; The flat field at the back of the hill ; at Lochan Neimhe ; the reputed scene of a battle between the Macleods and the Mackenzies.
Spuic nighean Thormaid ; The peak of Norman’s daughter.
Meall Gorm or Green Dasses ; A steep green pass on Ruadh-stac. The latter name, which is regularly used, was given by Lowland shepherds ; dass means a hayrick.
Loch na Cabhaig ; Loch of the hurry ; it lies in a hollow where the wind is always unsteady, and blows the water from side to side.
Leathad an aon Bhothain ; The slope of the one bothy.
Meall na Teanga Fhiadhaich ; The hill of the wild point.
The Stirrup Mark ;A pencuilar mark on he S. E. slope of Ben Damh below the high top, and a well-known landmark.
Doire-mhaol-laothaich ; Under Liathach by the roadside ; also called Doirbhe-la(gh)aich, popularly siad to be for Doire Bheul Bhaothaich. A curiosity of uncertainty.
Doire nam Fuaran ; Derrinafoiran 1668 ;Spring-copse.
An Doirneag ;’The little pebbly one,’ a field containing many rounded pebbles, at the N.W. end of an Fhaoilinn, the beach field, which latter is next the shore between Torridon Mains and the ‘Ploc.
Mormhoich a’ Choire ; Sea plain of the Corry, west of mouth of Corry River.
Place Names of Applecross Parish
This extract was taken, with the permission of the Trustees, from Prof. W.J. Watson’s – ‘Place Names of Ross and Cromarty’. The most recent edition of this work was published by HIGHLAND HERITAGE BOOKS Tir nan Oran, 8 Culcairn Road, Evanton IV16 9YT
Place Names of Ross and Cromarty p201