Lochbroom WW I page 2
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Corporal Kenneth Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 22.06.1917
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Kenneth
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Quay Street, Ullapool
There is reproduced today a photograph of Corpl. Kenneth Mackenzie, Seaforths, who, as reported recently, was killed in action on 23rd April in France. He was the son of Mr Simon Mackenzie, Quay Street, Ullapool. Corporal Mackenzie was 22 years of age, and, previous to enlistment in March 1916, was for six years employed as barman with Mr George Morrison, at the Caledonian Hotel, Ullapool. Kind hearted and cheerful, Corpl. Mackenzie – better known as “Buller” – was a great favourite with all who knew him. He was a dutiful son and a devoted brother. Much sympathy goes out to the father, brother, and three sisters in their great sorrow.
Mr Mackenzie has another son, William, serving with the Scottish Rifles somewhere abroad since 1914.
Photo: #6325

Gunner Kenneth Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 20.10.1916
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Kenneth
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Naval Reserve
Home Address: Letters, Lochbroom (Ullapool)
There is reproduced today a photograph of Kenneth Mackenzie, Little Lochbroom, who has been awarded the Russian Order of St. Ann for conspicuous bravery in saving a ship on fire in the White Sea. Mackenzie has also been commended for good work while mine-sweeping there. He is at present serving in the North Sea on a battleship, and came scathless through the thick of the Jutland Battle. Mackenzie is a young, fearless, plucky fellow, and his friends in Wester Ross will hail with great satisfaction the great honour thus conferred upon him at the hands of the Czar. A sister, Miss Annie Mackenzie, resides at 34 Seamore Street, off New City Road, Glasgow.
Date of Paper: 07.12.1917
Much satisfaction is felt in the Lochbroom district at the home-coming – though under unfortunate circumstances – of Gunner Kenneth Mackenzie, Letters, Lochbroom, locally known at “Kenny Buie”. He heartily responded to the country’s call in the spring of 1915 by joining the R.N.R., and has had a brilliant and adventurous career, of the kind which adds lustre to the fine traditions of the British Navy.
While engaged in mine-sweeping operations in the White Sea an outbreak of fire in the vicinity of the magazine threatened the destruction of ship and occupants. Regardless of personal danger, Mackenzie entered the fire zone, and was instrumental in getting the fire under control. In recognition of this conspicuous act of gallantry he has been awarded the medal of the Russian Order of St Ann.
He once experienced the rather disagreeable ordeal of being hurled overboard in mid-ocean by concussion, resulting from the accidental detonation of an enemy mine in course of capture. He served in the memorable naval battle of Jutland.
Subsequently he trained as gunner and was attached to a transport which was torpedoed and foundered this year after offering the enemy a stubborn fight. The crew took to the small boat, and struggled to keep them afloat in a choppy sea for 24 hours. They were picked up in an exhausted condition by a passing troopship.
Mackenzie was soon after privileged to have this foul deed revenged! He was at the gun on a transport which accounted for a German submarine in true British fashion.
The severe exposure Mackenzie underwent last January had told on his iron constitution, and a serious illness developed last June. He has recently been discharged from hospital, and all his friends congratulate him on his splendid recovery. He is a brave, unassuming young man of whom it may truly be said that “he has done his bit”.
Private Simon Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 17.08.1017
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Simon
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Badluarach, Ullapool
Widespread sorrow was felt over the Little Lochbroom district when news was received there recently of the death of Private Simon Mackenzie, son of Mr John Mackenzie, Badluarach. Posted missing for a considerable time, it eventually became known that he was killed in action on 11th April with a line battalion of the Seaforths, with which he was serving.
Private Mackenzie began life as a groom with Mr Mackenzie of Inverewe, afterwards going to Lochluichart Gardens, and latterly was employed as hotel boots when he enlisted at Stirling in September 1915. He went to Cromarty on 2nd October 1915, where had five months’ training, having been sent to France in March 1916. He remained in France until he met his death. He was an exemplary young man, and was a great favourite with all who knew him. Much sympathy is felt for his mother, father, and sisters in their great loss.
A photograph of Pte. Mackenzie appears today.
Lieutenant Simon Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 12.01.1917
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Simon
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: East Market Street, Ullapool
Lieut. Simon Mackenzie, Seaforths, killed in action on 7th December, was a son of Mrs Kenneth Mackenzie, East Market Street, Ullapool.
Lieut. Mackenzie enlisted in the county regiment (the 4th Seaforths) on the 10th November 1914, and after training at Bedford was appointed regimental quartermaster sergeant when raising the 3/6th Seaforths at Elgin, and proceeded with that battalion to Ripon. Subsequently he attended an officers cadet school at Gailes, and on passing his examinations, which he did brilliantly, he received his commission on 21st July last. He went to France on the 18th October, when he was posted to the Seaforths, and was then only about six weeks at the front when he met his death.
Lieut. Mackenzie was a Lochbroom boy, educated at the Ullapool Higher Grade School, where he was a brilliant pupil, and exceedingly popular with his class fellows. Before enlistment he was employed as an auctioneer and fish salesman with the firm of Messrs Richard Irvin & Sons, Ltd., Peterhead, by whom he was greatly respected both for his ability and integrity. He was a great favourite with his fellow employees.
A portrait of Lt. Mackenzie appears above.
Private Alexander Maclean
Date of Paper: 15.11.1918
Surname: Maclean
First Name(s): Alexander
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Shore Street, Ullapool
No Headline
It was with feelings of the greatest regret (says a correspondent) that intimation of the death in action of Pte. Alexander Maclean has been received in Ullapool, where he was well-known and a great favourite with all. For eight years before his enlistment he was employed first with Mr Gorge Cameron, merchant, and later in the office of Mr Kenneth Cameron, factor. In November last he left to join the Seaforths, and was sent to France in February, when he was transferred to the Argyll and Sutherland. He had been in a number of engagements, but escaped without a scratch until he was killed in the taking of St. Quinn on 30th September.
In writing to his father the Chaplin says: “I wish to inform you of the high respect in which your dear boy was held by all who knew him; this both for his exemplary character as well as his devotion to duty. The task these lads accomplish during the days and nights of severe exposure and bitter fighting is such as to fill our hearts with pride and admiration. And I know that when you feel most bitter in the thought that for him is no returning to the old home in the North you will always find fatherly solace and inspiration in the memory of such a brave lad. He did not fail his home and country in this hour of peril but went boldly our and laid down his life that we might be free.”
The sympathy of all is with his parents Mr and Mrs Kenneth Maclean, Shore Street, Ullapool in their great bereavement this being the second of their sons to fall in the war. A photo appears to-day.
Private Roderick Maclean
Date of Paper: 27.10.1916
Surname: Maclean
First Name(s): Roderick
Rank: Private
Regiment: Cameron Highlanders
Home Address: The Gardens, Leckmelm, Ullapool
Quite a gloom was cast over the Ullapool district when it became known a short time ago that Private Roderick Maclean No. 6743, Cameron Highlanders, was killed in action on the 17th August, 1916.
Private Maclean, who was 29 years of age, was a son of the late Mr Alexander Maclean, Inverasdale, and of Mrs Maclean, The Gardens, Leckmelm, Ullapool, where his brother is gardener and another brother is gamekeeper.
Private Maclean joined the 2nd Camerons when a lad of 16 years of age, and was stationed in India for 8 years. After finishing his time in India he came home for six months and thereafter went out to New Zealand.
At the outbreak of war being a reservist, he was called up, and arrived in this country in November, 1914, when he went into training after which he was drafted out to France in February, 1915. On the 9th of May, 1915, he was wounded, being shot through the shoulder. In April last he was transferred to another Cameron battalion, and was in France up to the date of his death.
Private Maclean was an exceedingly good hearted and genial young man, and was very popular with all who knew him. The greatest sympathy is extended to his mother and sisters and brothers in their sorrow. Another brother, Private Donald Maclean No. 5896, Scots Guards, has been reported missing since early in the war.
A photograph of Pte. Maclean appears in this issue.
Photo: #6608

Private Roderick Maclean
Date of Paper: 14.12.1917
Surname: Maclean
First Name(s): Roderick
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Quay Street, Ullapool
No Headline
It was with an overwhelming pang of grief (says an Ullapool correspondent) that this community heard of the death through wounds of 267546 Private Roderick Maclean, Seaforth Territorials younger son of Mr John Maclean, draper and clothier, Ullapool. Roderick Maclean, who was twenty-one years of age, attested under the voluntary scheme in January, 1916. He was called up on 10th September, 1916. Having trained in England he went to France in January, 1917. He went through three years engagements at Arras, in one of which he acted as dispatch runner. On the third day of the great advance on Cambrai, while defending one of our positions against counter attacks, he was mortally wounded. His parents, after a few days of trying suspense received the sad news of his death on November 30. Before joining up Pte. Maclean had charge of his father’s business at Quay Street, Ullapool, and in this capacity endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact. He was also clerk and collector for the Ullapool Pier Trustees. His genial, pleasant manner, his transparent sincerity, and his readiness to lend a helping hand to any who needed his services made him a general favourite in the village. He will be greatly missed.
Brave, unto death, thou did still danger face
Brother, beloved of loved ones, loved the Best
Thy memory sweet nought, ever can efface
Till we like thee, have gone to our long rest
Till we shall see thy radiant smile again
Where parting never more shall rend theheart:
Till then, Lord give us strength to bear the pain
Till then, beloved, sleep; you’ve done your part.
Private Roderick Maclean
Date of Paper: 03.11.1916
Surname: Maclean
First Name(s): Roderick
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Shore Street, Ullapool
Private Rod Maclean, 12483, Seaforths died of wounds in 45 Casualty Clearing Station, France, on 14th October, was the son of Mr Kenneth Maclean, Point, Shore Street, Ullapool. A photograph appears above.
The sad news was received with great grief by everyone in the village, where “Roddy” was such a favourite with old and young and where sincere sympathy is felt for his father, mother and brothers in their bereavement.
“Roddy” Maclean who was under 20 years of age joined the Seaforth Highlanders on the 22nd March last, and went into training at Cromarty, where he was transferred to another battalion of the Seaforths. On the 14th July he was sent to France, previous to which he was home on leave for a few days. He was wounded on the field in making an attack in open formation in the evening of the 12th instant; having been struck in tow places by bullets; one hitting him in the arm and the other in the stomach. He survived his wounds less than two days.
Ever mindful of his family, his mother had no less than four field cards from him the same evening as the sad news of his death was received and last Friday evening his eldest brother Alexander, has a card from him written on the morning of the day he was [remainder obliterated]
Private Angus Maclennan
Date of Paper: 11.01.1918
Surname: Maclennan
First Name(s): Angus
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Badluarach, Lochbroom
No Headline
Private Angus Maclennan, Seaforths, whose photograph is reproduced, is one more of the township of Badluarach, Lochbroom, who has given his life for the homeland. He attested under the voluntary scheme, and, after training, went with a draft to France. He was in the battle of St Julien, but a week later, on 18th October, he fell to the rifle of a sniper as he was passing into a dug-out. He lingered until 7th December, when he passed peacefully away. During the interval he was visited and cheered by his sister, Miss Annie Maclennan, who made the journey to France for one more brief re-union with her only brother. Had he survived another week he would have completed his thirty-third year. Much sympathy is felt for his blind and widowed mother and two sisters.
The gallant soldier, who was an excellent specimen of Highland physique, was a most estimable and intelligent young man. He was a favourite with all who knew him, and he will be sadly missed by his comrades, the parishioners, and by many Highland friends in Glasgow, where he was employed in pre-war days.
Private M. Macleod
Date of Paper: 22.12.1916
Surname: Macleod
First Name(s): M.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Ullapool Company, Seaforths
Home Address: Quay Street, Ullapool
1402 Private M Macleod, Ullapool Coy., Seaforths, wounded on 17th November last, is now in hospital in England, and is progressing very well. Pte. Macleod belongs to Ullapool, where he resides at Quay Street. Previous to the war he was employed with Mr R Mackenzie, tailor, Ullapool.
Sergeant W. G. R. Mundell
Date of Paper: 04.02.1916
Surname: Mundell
First Name(s): W. G. R.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: 1st Canadian Contingent
Home Address: Canada (formerly Inverlaul, Lochbroom )
Sergt. W. G. R. Mundell of the P.P.C.L.I., 1st Canadian Contingent, of whom the above is a photograph, was killed in action in France on April 17th, 1915, at the famous attack on Hill 60. Deceased was the second son of the late Major W. G. Mundell, J.P., Inverlaul, Lochbroom. He was through the South African War from the beginning to the end, after which he went to Canada. The call of the Motherland was irresistible when war broke out, and he was one of the first volunteers. Thoughout the time he was in France he was ever in the thickest of the fighting, and his gallantry was recognised by his officers, who recommended him for the V.C.
A brother, the third son of the late Major Mundell, is Mr D. E Mundell, who is chief engineer on board a destroyer, and the fourth son, Lieut. J. Macnab Mundell, is adjutant of the East African Mounted Rifles.
Private Alexander Munro
Date of Paper: 17.12.1915
Surname: Munro
First Name(s): Alexander
Rank: Private
Regiment: E (Ullapool) Company Seaforths
Home Address: 16 Pulteney Street, Ullapool
No Headline
The above is a portrait of 1604 Private Alex. Munro, E (Ullapool) Company, who resides with his aunt, Mrs Macleod, 16 Pulteney Street, Ullapool. He was wounded on the 25th September, and is now in the Brabyns Auxiliary Military Hospital, Marple Bridge, Cheshire. He is getting on well, but has not yet got back the power of his hand.
Lance Corporal John B. Stewart
Date of Paper: 27.04.1917
Surname: Stewart
First Name(s): John B.
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Rhue, Ullapool
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Stewart, Rhue, Ullapool, have recently received intimation that their fourth son, Lance-Corpl. John B. Stewart, Seaforths, was killed in action in France on 18th March. Deceased was 23 years of age, and was noted for his most steadfast and engaging manner. He was much esteemed by the company officers and comrades, who formed a very high opinion of him as a true Highlander, a noble Christian, and a soldier of the best type. He was a brilliant Gaelic writer, and possessed of high literary talents in matters appertaining to the Highlands. He was one of three serving their country. “Here endeth the First Lesson” might be an appropriate epitaph. Only the first lesson, for other lessons are waiting to be learnt. Surely we ought to think of the gallant dead as alive, eager and joyous as in the days when they were with us. Alive on active service, for that is the portion of those who have departed in the faith and fear of Christ. “His servants shall serve Him” is the promise of the future. The life begun here is continued beyond. “Agus amhairceam air son aiseirigh nam marbh, agus air son beatha an t-saoghail a ta ri teachd.” A photograph of Lance Corporal Stewart appears in these columns.
Private John R. Stewart
Date of Paper: 24.11.1916
Surname: Stewart
First Name(s): John R.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Ullapool
No Headline
Private John R. Stewart, Seaforths, wounded, a son of Mr J. Stewart, postmaster, was wounded by shrapnel early in October, and is now in Norfolk War Hospital, Thorpe, Norfolk, where he has made a good recovery, and expects to be discharged any day as convalescent.
Photo: #6596

Drummer T. Sutherland
Date of Paper: 26.11.1915
Surname: Sutherland
First Name(s): T.
Rank: Drummer
Regiment: Ullapool Coy., Seaforths
Home Address: Caberfeidh House, Ullapool
No Headline
The above is a portrait of 1534 Drummer T. Sutherland, Ullapool Coy., a son of Mrs Sutherland, Caberfeidh House, Ullapool. Drummer Sutherland was a member of the local company of Territorials previous to the war. He was a tailor to trade, and at mobilisation was employed in the Lochbroom Tweed Warehouse, Ullapool. He went with the battalion to France last November, but early in the year he had an attack of measles, and was invalided home. He returned to the trenches in the summer. For several months he did his duty there, and it was not until the 15th October last that he had the misfortune to get wounded in the knee. He is now in the Royal Infirmary, Newcastle-on- Tyne, and the latest report of his condition is that he is getting on very satisfactorily. A complete and rapid recovery is the wish of all who know this young soldier hero of 19 summers.