Men of Lochbroom
Attribution: unknown (Road leading to an Teallach mountain)
Men of Lochbroom 1914-1918
In September 2017 Ross and Cromarty Heritage Society acquired the book Records of The Men of Lochbroom who fell in the European War 1914-1918. These records were collected and arranged by Mrs Edith Fraser of Leckmelm, the book was printed for private circulation only and is somewhat unique.
Elsewhere in this website will be found extracts appearing the Ross-shire Journal during 1914-1918 of personnel from Ross-shire who served in the Forces and it is felt that Mrs Fraser’s records will complement these extracts since some of the personnel featured in the book did not appear in the newspaper’s columns. Those killed in action are listed chronologically in Mrs Fraser’s records, but RCHS has reverted to its own style of alphabetical order of surname.
To Major and Mrs Fraser this work has been a labour of love, undertaken in accordance with the spirit of the command addressed to them by HM King George V on the occasion of the expression of his sympathy in the loss (in action) of their son, Captain Andrew Fraser, MC,:
“Let those who come after see to it that their names be not forgotten.”
Attribution: unknown
Lochbroom - Psalm Tune
After RCHS had uploaded this account it was discovered that in recent years a Psalm tune, entitled Lochbroom, had been composed by Murdo Urquhart and Alison Hammond, and it seems appropriate to add this in memory of the Men of Lochbroom 1914-1918. The piper is Murdo Macleod.
Attribution: unknown
A selection of scenes from Lewis & Harris with Kristine Kennedy singing Psalm 107:21-30, in Gaelic, to the tune Loch Broom. From Kristine’s album ” Cuan a Ghaoil-San”
Attribution: unknown