Gairloch WW I
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Sergeant Hector Bain
Date of Paper.: 26.10.1917
Surname: Bain
First Name(s): Hector
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Opinan, Gairloch
No Headline
A photograph appears to-day of the late Sergt. Hector Bain, Seaforths, son of Mr and Mrs Bain, Opinan, Gairloch, who was killed in action the 20th September. Twenty-two years of age, in civil life he was a fisherman. He served in the Ross-shire Territorials, mobilised in August, 1914, and went to France in November of that year with his battalion. “He was greatly admired by a very wide circle of acquaintances,” writes a correspondent, “and held everywhere in high respect. His manly courage , straightforward action, endeared this young hero to all, and there is universal sympathy throughout Gairloch and as there will be among Gairloch people abroad, and particularly in Australia, with Mr and Mrs Bain in their sore bereavment.”
Captain Ray Macdonald (Dingwall), in a letter to the parents, says: “On behalf of men and officers of No.3 Company, I wish to extend our sincere sympathy with you and all Hector’s friends. He was, as usual, in the very front of the fray, leading his platoon alongside his officer, Mr Munro. When within a few yards of his objective he was hit by a German bomb and killed outright. He could not have suffered a moment of pain. I have known your son for a long time, and when he rejoined my company about six weeks ago I can tell you no N.C.O. was ever more welcomed. Hector was one of the finest soldiers I have ever seen. And the bravest too! We miss him fearfully. He is buried in a British cemetery near which he fell, and within the ground which he won for us with his life. It may comfort you to know it was only by the fine example of bravery and determination shown by your son and his comrades that we won the day. Though we lost a gallant and most competent N.C.O., he has left a splendid example to live up to.”
Photo: #6198

Iain Fraser Grigor wrote 1 year | Does anyone know anything about the Rev. John Bain, originally from Gairloch? He was minister in the United Free Church in Aberdeen in the 1920s, and was a Church of Scotland minister in Edinburgh until 1942. He died in that year. What was the year of his borth? |
Phyllis Hannah wrote 1 year | Newspaper reports state he was 62 years at time of death in February 1942. There are 3 births between 1878 and 1885 in the Gairloch area and a total of 9 births in Ross & Cromarty. |
Gunner John Bain
She writes: “Almost 100 years ago, on 11 June 1918, my Grandfather, John Bain, sailed from Cosham, Portsmouth, to take part in World War 1. At 21 years of age, and almost certainly conscripted, he enlisted on 17 November 1917 and became a Gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery 512 Siege Battery, although his regiment was broken up and he served in 32 Siege Battery. His two older brothers, Donald Bain (Lovat Scouts) and James Bain (4th Bn. Seaforth Highlanders) had also seen action in the war. All three survived.”
Second Lieutenant F. Beaton
Date of Paper: 28.06.1918
Surname: Beaton
First Name(s): F.
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: M.G.C
Home Address: Gairloch
No Headline
2/Lt. F. Beaton, M.G.C., whose photo appears today, is the second son of Mr Duncan Beaton, the well-known Free Church elder at Gairloch. A Boer war veteran, having served 4 years in the Cape Mounted Police and taken part in the South African War, he joined Kitchener’s Army at the outbreak of hostilities in 1914, and has, like many other famous Ross-shire officers, risen from the ranks. Lt. Beaton has shared in not a few of the big events since 1914 and his many friends here in the Highlands rejoice in his promotion. He is of the hardiest type of Highlander, and may go far in the profession of arms. At present Lt. Beaton is in a camp in England.
Trooper Kenneth Campbell
Date of Paper: 07.01.1916
Surname: Campbell
First Name(s): Kenneth
Rank: Trooper
Regiment: Lovat Scouts
Home Address: Altgrishan, Gairloch
No Headline
Trooper Kenneth Campbell, Lovat Scouts, whose portrait appears above, killed in the Dardanelles, was a native of Altgrishan, Gairloch. He was a gamekeeper with Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of Gairloch, Bart., at Badnasqullag. On the outbreak of war he enlisted in the Lovat Scouts, and along with other Gairloch men, including his master’s heir, was sent to Dardanelles in August. The deceased’s father’s family are now scattered far and wide, and only a sister, who lives in Melvaig, remains in the district. To her and to the many other relatives in the parish the deepest sympathy is extended.
Trooper Campbell was a general favourite among the people, and he will be greatly missed.
Lance Corporal J. Fraser
Date of Paper: 16.11.1917
Surname: Fraser
First Name(s): J.
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Strath, Gairloch
No Headline
As recently reported, S/40171 Lce.-Corpl. J. Fraser, Seaforths, son of Mrs Fraser, Strath, Gairloch, was killed in action on 20th September. L-Cpl. Fraser, whose photograph is reproduced to-day, was first posted missing. Later information confirmed the fact that he had been killed. Deceased joined the Territorials in 1912.
When war broke out he was working as a tailor at Dallas, Forres. He mobilised with the Ross-shire battalion, but subsequently transferred to a special service battalion; the first of the swelling family of Seaforth battalions. Later on he rejoined his original battalion. He took part in the Battle of Arras on 7th April last, when he was wounded, rejoining on his recovery. Like many another Seaforth, the 20th September was his last battle.
Deceased, who was only 22 years of age, was a bright, good humoured, smart soldier. His cheery wit livened many a dull moment, and with his comrades in arms he was popular to a degree.
Deep sympathy goes out to the mother at Gairloch, while many former friends mourn his loss.
Photo: #7213

Chief Steward John Macaskill
Date of Paper: 24.05.1918
Surname: Macaskill
Forename: John
Rank: Chief Steward
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 9, Friars Street, Inverness
No Headline
As already announced, Mr and Mrs Hector Macaskill, 9 Friars Street, Inverness, have been informed of the sad news of the death of their second son, Chief Steward John Macaskill, S.S. Clan Colquhoun, which took place on Friday 12th April, after a very short illness, at the hospital, Port Said, of smallpox, contracted on the homeward voyage. He was cut off at the comparatively early age of 27 years.
Deceased served his apprenticeship with Mr Thomas Fraser, flesher, Castle Street, Inverness, leaving afterwards to fill a situation as cook on the steamer Lochness, plying between Inverness and Fort Augustus, when, out of a large number of applicants, he secured the post of chief steward on board the s.s. Clan Colquhoun. As such he was very popular with everyone with whom he came in contact, especially the officers, crews, and passengers, who mourn the loss of a painstaking and persevering officer. During the present hostilities his ship was twice torpedoed, and he lost everything he had in his possession. He was a prominent member of St Mary”s Lodge of Freemasons.
The deepest sympathy is extended to his sorrowing father and mother (late of Ormiscaig and Opinan, Ross-shire), as well as to his brothers and sisters (one of whom is married in Canada), in the great loss they have sustained on the death of a capable son and affectionate brother.
This is the second bereavement in the family in the short space of twenty-two months, his eldest brother, Pte. Rod. Macaskill, having made the supreme sacrifice on June 2nd, 1916, while serving with the Canadian Highlanders in France.
Two other brothers are serving their country – Hector in the Navy, and Donald in the R.F.A. Photos of the dead brothers appear today.
Private Roderick Macaskill
Date of Paper: 29.09.1916
Surname: Macaskill
Forename: Roderick
Rank: Private
Regiment: Vancouver Highlanders
Home Address: Canada (formerly 9, Friars Street, Inverness)
Mr and Mrs Macaskill, 9 Friars Street, Inverness, have been officially informed that their eldest son, Private Roderick (Rod) Macaskill, was reported killed in action on 3rd June, 1916. Pte. Macaskill was born 33 years ago in the Merkinch district. His father belongs to Opinan, while his mother is a native of Ormiscaig, Ross-shire. Previous to emigrating to Canada about nine years ago, Pte. Macaskill was employed in the Rose Street Foundry, Inverness, and on the outbreak of war, like so many other patriotic Highland colonials, soon made his way to the nearest recruiting depot, and enlisted in the Vancouver Highlanders.
On arriving in England he was transferred to another corps. He paid a short visit to his native town on the 18th May, and seemed to be in the best of health.
The late Pte. Macaskill, who served in France for a period of nine months, is one of four brothers at present on service. Donald is in France with the Scots Greys, while Hector is in the Navy somewhere at sea, and John is on a transport.
The sympathy of a wide circle of friends goes out to Mr and Mrs Macaskill and family in the loss they have sustained. He was a loving, faithful and dutiful son.
Private John Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 25.05.1917
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): John
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Mellon (Gairloch)
As reported recently, Pte. John Mackenzie, son of Mr Roderick Mackenzie, Mellon, died from the effects of severe wounds received in the battle of Arras. John was the third of four brothers, all of whom are serving at the front. Until August 1914 he was employed by Mr R. J. Hanbury of Tournaig, and mobilised with his battalion, the 1/4th Seaforths, immediately on the out break of hostilities; he proceeded to France with his unit in 1914. Save for a few months passed in Blighty while recovering from a bullet wound in the leg early in 1915, that being the first casualty sustained in his company, John has been at the front ever since, and it says much for his hardy pluck and sturdy constitution that he was able to withstand the rigours and hardships of three winters of trench warfare under conditions such as prevail on the Western Front. Wherever he was known, “En Rucoh” was favourite with all and sundry; his bright and cheery disposition and his unfailing optimism and good heartedness making him a popular hero with his comrades and friends, and his early death has caused a deep feeling of personal loss throughout the whole community. A photograph appears today.
Private K. Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 26.11.1915
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): K.
Rank: Private
Regiment: 3/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 16, Port Henderson, Gairloch
No Headline
1812 Private K. Mackenzie, D (Gairloch) Coy., whose portrait we reproduce, and who was gassed on 25th September, has now recovered and rejoined the 3/4th Seaforths at Ripon. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Mackenzie, 16 Port Henderson, Gairloch. Pte. Mackenzie went to France with his battalion in November last. Subsequently he had an attack of measles, which led to his being invalided home. He returned to the trenches in the summer and on 10th August he was wounded by a splinter from a German shell which struck him on the head. After spending some time in hospital at Boulogne he returned to the trenches, and on 25th September at the battle of Loos he had the misfortune to be gassed. This necessitated his coming to England, where, after being convalescent, he spent a happy though brief furlough with his parents. Private Mackenzie is only 19 years of age, and was serving his apprenticeship with Sergt. Bain, Pier, Gairloch, as a bootmaker. He joined the 4th Seaforths in May 1914 and was called up on mobilisation.
Gunner Kenneth Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 31.08.1917
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Kenneth
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Horse Artillery
Home Address: 41, Big Sand, Gairloch
Above we reproduce the photograph of Gunner Kenneth Mackenzie, Royal Horse Artillery, who died of wounds received in action on 5th June 1917. Gunner Mackenzie, who was 21 years of age, was a son of Mr Kenneth Mackenzie, 41 Big Sand, Gairloch, and was for some time a member of the Inverness Police Force. He joined under the Derby scheme, and was for a long time stationed in Ireland, from where he proceeded overseas in March 1917. A stalwart and exceedingly handsome young fellow, he was a splendid specimen of young manhood, and possessing a modest and kindly disposition, he was greatly beloved by all who knew him.
Private Kenneth William Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 19.07.1918
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Kenneth William
Rank: Private
Regiment: New Zealand Rifle Brigade
Home Address: North River, Waipu, New Zealand (originally Opinan)
Pte. Kenneth William Mackenzie, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, who, as formerly reported, succumbed to wounds in chest and abdomen in a French hospital on April 21st, was a nephew of Mr Wm. Mackenzie, gardener, Poolewe, and the second son of the late Mr Colin Mackenzie, Opinan, Gairloch, who emigrated to New Zealand some thirty years ago. “Ken”, as he was familiarly called, came across with New Zealand reinforcements in April 1917. After a spell of training in England he was drafted to France, where, after some months service, he fell a victim to trench fever. In November he was invalided back to England. After recovering, in January of this year he spent a fortnight’s leave at his uncle’s residence at Poolewe. Recrossing to France in February, he took part in the grim struggles of the recent great offensive. On April 10th he fell mortally wounded, thus voluntarily sacrificing his young life for the mother country at the early age of 20 years.
His widowed mother, sisters, and brothers, reside at North River, Waipu, New Zealand, and to them in their sore bereavement, go out the sympathies of many Gairloch friends and relatives.
A photograph appears today.
Sister Alice Maclean
Date of Paper: 16.01.1920
Surname: Maclean
First Name(s): Alice
Rank: Sister
Regiment: QAIMNS
Home Address: Strath Village, Gairloch
The many friends in Gairloch of Sister Alice Maclean, who has been on War Service since 1914, were delighted to see her home recently on a well deserved holiday. Sister Maclean, who is a daughter of Mr John Maclean, Strath Village, was a nurse in St. Marylebone Infirmary, London, and on the outbreak of hostilities volunteered her services to the Red Cross. She served in the Military Hospital, Devonport, up to 1916, when she accompanied her unit, the QAIMNS. to the Salonica Front and from there went to the Italian Front towards the end of 1917,where she had been until the disbandment of the unit last November.
Miss Maclean has many thrilling incidents to relate of the great struggle in Northern Italy, which culminated in the crushing defeat of the Austrian Army. On 4th December last she was presented with the Royal Red Cross Medal by His Majesty the King at Buckingham Palace, and subsequently was one of those nurses who had the additional honour of being received by Queen Alexandra at Marlborough House. Sister Maclean, who has now resumed her duties at Marylebone Infirmary, London, had three brothers on active service, one of whom was killed at Festubert, France, in June 1915, and three of her sisters are school teachers, two of them serving under the Gairloch School Management Committee. A photograph of Nurse Maclean is reproduced.
Stoker Angus Macleod
Date of Paper: 25.05.1917
Surname: Macleod
First Name(s): Angus
Rank: Stoker
Regiment: R.N.
Home Address: Achgarve, Aultbea, Gairloch
Angus Macleod, stoker, the only son of his widowed mother, Mrs Macleod, Achgarve, Aultbea, Gairloch, was drowned at sea on the 2nd May. He was a young man of great promise, well-known in the Aultbea district, and greatly respected for his sterling character.
A photograph of Stoker Macleod appears today in the top line of portraits.
Private S. Macpherson
Date of Paper: 08.09.1916
Surname: Macpherson
First Name(s): S.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Badachro, Gairloch
Pte. S. Macpherson, Seaforth Highlanders, son of Mr A. Macpherson, Badachro, Gairloch, who was gassed on the 26th July, is at present home on sick leave, and is progressing favourably. He is one of those that went out with the battalion to France in November 1914. He has been previously wounded twice, at Neuve Chapelle and on 5th June 1915.
A photo of Pte. Macpherson appears in these columns.
Private John Macrae
Paper: 01.03.1918
Surname: Macrae
First Name(s): John
Rank: Private
Regiment: 7th Seaforths
Home Address: Kintyre Cottage, Badachro, Gairloch
No Headline
Mr and Mrs Macrae, Kintyre Cottage, Badachro, Gairloch, have received information that their son, No. 204593 Pte. John Macrae, 7th Seaforths, was killed in action on the morning of the 30th December last. A young man of strong character, this, coupled with a bright and lovable disposition, made him a favourite with all who knew him. A tailor to trade, he was employed by one of the principal Glasgow firms. He went out to France in October 1917 and was there only three months when hit while serving his Lewis gun under heavy fire. His platoon officer, writing to his brother, says: “Your brother had been in my platoon for some considerable time, and I regarded him as the most reliable man in my Lewis gun section. He will be sadly missed by me and his comrades. He was always eager and willing to help others, and remained cheery under the hardships of trench life.” Widespread regret was felt in the Gairloch district at so promising a life being cut off, and numerous letters of condolence were received by his parents.
A touching reference was made by Rev. W. Mackinnon in Gairloch Free Church.
A younger brother, Pte. William Macrae, was drafted to France in 1915, and received severe shrapnel wounds in the body and in the face, resulting in the loss of an eye, has been discharged.
Photo: #6206

Trooper Donald Urquhart
Date of Paper: 03.12.1915
Surname: Urquhart
First Name(s): Donald
Rank: Trooper
Regiment: 2nd Lovat Scouts
Home Address: Gairloch
No Headline
We reproduce above a photograph of Trooper Donald Urquhart, 2nd Lovat Scouts, news of whose death was recieved in Gairloch a fortnight ago. The deceased contracted paratyphoid in the Gallipoli Peninsula, and was removed to Alexandria, where he died soon after arrival. Trooper Urquhart was an employee on the Gairloch Estate, and was about 40 years of age. A man of fine physique, of a kind and gentle disposition, he was beloved by all. He went through the South African War with the Lovat Scouts, and soon after the outbreak of the present war he rejoined his old regiment.
A younger brother is serving in the Seaforth Highlanders, while two brothers are at home with whom and his widowed mother much sympathy is felt.