Seaforths WW I page 4
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Private Ian Roderick MacNair
Date of Paper: 11.08.1916
Surname: MacNair
First Name(s): Ian Roderick
Rank: Private
Regiment: Machine Gun Section, Seaforths
Home Address: 637, Alexandra Parade, Glasgow
As intimated in last week’s issue, Mr R. MacNair, 637 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow, has received information that his son, Pte. Ian Roderick MacNair, Machine Gun Section, Seaforths, was wounded on 26th July. Pte. MacNair has lost his right arm and sustained other wounds. The machine gun officer, writing to the father, who is a Ross-shire man, says: “I regret having to inform you that Ian was wounded during our operations two days ago. Although naturally faint and tired he was still as cheerful as he could be when I last saw him. He was hit in the right shoulder and thigh whilst gallantly going to the assistance of a wounded fellow in the next shell hole. The other man who went with him was unfortunately killed. The remainder of his comrades here with myself wish him a speedy recovery and a long and pleasant sojourn in England – J. Crawford.”
Information was received on Wednesday that Pte. MacNair has arrived at a war hospital in Bath, and was as well as could be expected.
Pte. Ian MacNair went to France with the county regiment in November 1914, and has been with the battalion through all its vicissitudes. An excellent soldier, he was popular with his comrades, whose sympathy has been so well expressed in the letter quoted.
Pte. MacNair was employed with Messrs Robertson & Porter, Dingwall, before he enlisted on 3rd September 1914. The son of Mr Roderick MacNair, who is a native of Applecross, he was educated at Grosvenor College, Carlisle. He is 21 years of age.
A photograph of Pte. MacNair appears in today’s paper.
Second Lieutenant Archibald J. Marshall
Date of Paper: 02.03.1917
Surname: Marshall
First Name(s): Archibald J.
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths / Royal North Lancs. Regiment
Home Address: The Anchorage, Sidney Avenue, Wood Green, London
The above is a portrait of Lance-Corporal Archibald J. Marshall, Seaforths, who has been successful in passing through an officers cadet battalion at St John’s College, Cambridge. He has now been gazetted to the Royal North Lancs. Regiment as a second lieutenant, and took up his duties with his unit on 26th February. A son of Mr J. S. Marshall, The Anchorage, Sidney Avenue, Wood Green, London, Lance-Corporal Marshall joined the Seaforths on mobilisation from London, and went out with the battalion in 1914. He fought at Neuve Chapelle and Aubers Ridge, and was steadily on duty in the trenches and otherwise for a prolonged period. After being home invalided, he returned to the front, and remained until released for a commission. His friends in the regiment will wish him every prosperity in the well merited advancement he has attained.
Previous to going to Cambridge last September, Lieut. Marshall visited Dingwall, where he resided with Mr Hewitt, banker, an old family friend.
Private T. H. H. Martin
Date of Paper: 26.07.1918
Surname: Martin
First Name(s): T. H. H.
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 14, Methly Place, Chapel Allerton, Leeds
A photograph appears today of 201742 Pte. T. H. H. Martin, 1/4th Seaforths, who has been missing since March 23 last, and about whom any information will be gladly received by his wife at 14 Methly Place, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. Pte. Martin is well known in the battalion, having been attached to the barber’s section at headquarters. He joined up at Ripon, and went to France on July 13, 1916. A fine soldier, his popularity was notable, while his two good conduct stripes speak of his record in the ranks of this famous fighting Highland regiment. As a considerable number of men of the 1/4th Seaforths are known to be prisoners of war, but so far unable to correspond with home, the hope is expressed that Pte. Martin may be one of them.
Corporal H. Mott
Date of Paper: 25.01.1918
Surname: Mott
First Name(s): H.
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 72, Herne Hill Road, Herne Hill, London, E.C.
To-day is reproduced a photograph of Corpl. H. Mott, 200504, 1/4th Seaforths, son of Mrs Mott, 72 Herne Hill Road, Herne Hill, London, E.C., who, as reported last week, has written from Germany stating that he was made prisoner of war on 22nd November, 1917, in the Cambrai sector. Corpl. Mott is a well known member of the Ross-shire Territorial Seaforths. He joined up on September 4th, 1914, was trained at Bedford, and left with his battalion on November 4, 1914, to reinforce the First Seven Divisions. He is thus a full-fledged 1914 Star man. He has been through many heavy engagements and many scraps, and this is the first time his name has figured in the casualty list. Cpl. Mott is 24 years of age. Before the war he was clerk for a firm of butter brokers in London. A smart, soldierly young man, one of the veterans, so to speak, of the battlion, many will regret his luck was out on 22nd November and wish him well in his confinement.
Photo: #6627

Corporal Kenneth F. C. Newton
Date of Paper: 08.06.1917
Surname: Newton
First Name(s): Kenneth F. C.
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Trench Mortar Battery, Seaforths
Home Address: 162, Plasket Grove, East Ham, London, E.6
Many of the original B.E.F. Ross-shire Seaforths will learn with deep regret the death in action of Corpl. Kenneth F. C. Newton, Trench Mortar Battery, which took place on the 24th April, 1917, on the Western Front. Corpl. Newton was the son of Mr and Mrs Newton, 162 Plasket Grove, East Ham, London, E.6.
Leaving school, the Emmanuel College, Wandsworth, S.W., at 18 years, he joined the 1/4th Seaforths in September 1914, and was in B. Company when his battalion – the first to leave its war station for France – proceeded to the front on November 5, 1914. He was with his comrades at Neuve Chapelle and Aubers Ridge in 1915, and withstood the hardships of three winters in the trenches without complaint or spoken grievance. It is sixteen months since he was last home on leave, and his parents were anxiously hoping that his 21st birthday would have seen him once again in the home circle.
A brave and intrepid, although youthful, soldier, loving and beloved, with strong home instincts, and the soul of honour, his memory will be cherished by many Seaforths, whose sincere sympathy will go out to the bereaved parents, whose only son he was.
The Captain of the Trench Mortar Battery to which he was attached, says: “I deeply regret to inform you that your son, Corporal K. F. C. Newton, of this Battery, was killed in the heavy fighting on the afternoon of the 24th. He accompanied the officer in charge of his detachment on a reconnaissance of a very difficult and dangerous enemy position from which our troops were being held up by a party of snipers; and, while crossing the open, Kenneth was shot through the head and killed instantaneously. His death was a tremendous blow to the Battery, and from our own grief we can form some idea of what his loss will be to you. Please accept for yourself and for the other members of the family our very deepest sympathy.
“As an N.C.O. your son was in a class by himself. All his work was done with exceptional thoroughness and care; and no one could help being struck by his constant and ungrudging efforts in the service of the battery and by his steadfast devotion to duty. He gave himself at all times without hesitation and without reserve to the work that came to his hands. His place will be hard indeed to fill; for we had come to rely upon him in every emergency, and he never failed to rise to any task. It may be of some help to you in your sorrow to know that he was recommended for recognition in the New Year Honours, but for some reason or other his award did not come through. And if he had survived he would certainly have been recommended for the day’s work in which he met his death. I had also written to his battalion asking them to put him forward for nomination to an Officer’s Cadet School with a view to promotion to a commission. If he had only lived the splendid work of the last two years might have been more adequately rewarded. But, after all, the truest reward lies in the knowledge that the work was done, and that your son’s life was continually devoted to the highest ends. He lived and died a brave soldier and a good man.
“Owing to the peculiar difficulties of the situation, the officer who was with him was unable to recover any of his personal belongings that afternoon, and as our place was taken a few hours later by another division, we were withdrawn before any opportunity arose. The Commanding Officer of the relieving unit, however, promised faithfully to have his body taken in and his belongings forwarded to us as soon as the exigencies of the situation would permit. We shall write you again, therefore, in a few days, and by then we hope to be able to send any little things of value that he carried with him.”
Mrs Newton will be grateful to anyone who can afford her further particulars of her son’s burial.
Signaller J. W. Nicholson
Date of Paper: 20.09.1918
Surname: Nicholson
First Name(s): J. W.
Rank: Signaller
Regiment: 8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: 45, East Street, East Stanley, County Durham
As recently reported, information is anxiously wanted regarding 18762 Signaller J. W. Nicholson (‘Willie’), Seaforths, who was trained at Cromarty and went to France in October 1917, being then attached to a Service Battalion. He has been reported by his comrades as wounded and missing on 6th August 1918. Any information will be gladly received by his father and mother, Mr and Mrs G. Nicholson, 45 East Street, East Stanley, County Durham. Signaller Nicholson was a great personal friend of the late Cpl. Dan Fraser, Seaforths, Dingwall, who, as reported last week, has been killed in action.
Signaller Nicholson will be 20 years of age on September 25. Before joining up he was a teacher in the Deaf and Dumb School, Newcastle. A comrade, L.-Corpl. Ronald Mackenzie, writing to the mother, says that Sig. Nicholson was in the first attack on July 28 (the other date is given as August 6), and that he was known to have been wounded and was missing. A photo appears today.
Date of Paper: 21.02.1919
Mr and Mrs G. Nicholson, 45 East Street, East Stanley, County Durham, have received official intimation of the death of their son, Signaller J. W. (‘Willie’) Nicholson, 8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, whose photograph is published on this page, went missing in July last, and information as to his whereabouts was eagerly sought by his parents. On 30th January, Mr and Mrs Nicholson, after many weary months of cruel anxiety, received official news from Perth that Willie had been wounded in action on July 28th, 1918, at Bouzancy, and that he had died the following day in a German Reserve Field Hospital at La Now, and is buried in the military cemetery there. Much sympathy is felt for the sorrowing parents, who have been compelled to pass through such a terrible ordeal, always hoping that their son would turn up in the end. Signaller Nicholson joined the Seaforths in 1917 at the age of 18 years, and after training at Cromarty, he was drafted to France in October of the same year. Only 20 years of age, he was, prior to enlisting, a teacher in the Deaf and Dumb School, Newcastle.
Private W. Pack
Date of Paper: 03.03.1916
Surname: Pack
First Name(s): W.
Rank: Private
Regiment: B (Dingwall) Coy., Seaforths
Home Address: 36, Stork’s Road, Bermondsey, London
Private W. Pack is a member of B (Dingwall) Coy., and his home address is 36 Stork’s Road, Bermondsey, London.
Captain T. H. Peverell
Date of Paper: 14.12.1917
Surname: Peverell
First Name(s): T. H.
Rank: Captain
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: London
Captain T. H. Peverell, Seaforths, who has been officially reported wounded and missing, is one of the best known Seaforth officers in Ross-shire Territorials. He was adjutant to the battalion for a time. Captain Peverell, who is 27 years of age, held a commission for five years before the war in the Durham Light Infantry, T.F. He volunteered for active service when war broke out, and went to France in September 1914 as an interpreter with the Indian Expeditionary Force. Subsequently, becoming associated with the Ross-shires, he transferred to the battalion. In October 1915, he was wounded in the face by the bursting of a shell over his dug-out, and when, it may be recalled, Lieut. Thomson, Alma Cottage, St. Boswells, Roxburghshire, and Lieut. R. Wassell, Dingwall, were also injured.
Captain Peverell in civil life was a solicitor in London. Hope is entertained that he may be a prisoner of war. A photograph appears today.
[Handwritten notes: “Feb. 15/18 Prisoner. Leg off May 31/18 Released.”
Sergeant A. A. Polson
Date of Paper: 08.09.1916
Surname: Polson
First Name(s): A. A.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: 1st Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Cannich, Beauly
Above will be found a portrait of Sergeant A. A. Polson, Seaforths, killed on 25th September 1915, and husband of Mrs Polson, Cannich, Beauly. As already reported, he had been reported missing on that date, but from letters received from N.C.Os and men of his battalion there seemed little doubt that he had met his death in the great advance. The officers of his platoon had all become casualties, and the men were about to retire when he sprang to the front and bravely led them until he himself fell. Prior to enlistment in the 1st Seaforth Highlanders, Sergt. Polson had been on the staff of the North Star, Dingwall. He had been nine years in the Army, eight of which he had spent in India. He came across with his battalion to France in September 1914, and fought with them until invalided home in February of the following year. He was then drafted to another battalion, then stationed in England, and with them he proceeded to France in July 1915, for the second time. He was 26 years of age. Sergt. Polson was greatly liked and esteemed by both officers and men in both the battalions in which he served.
Date of Paper: 15.02.1918
Surname: Rae
First Name(s): James
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Huddersfield (formerly Castle Douglas)
No newspaper article
Second Lieutenant John G. Rae
Date of Paper: 15.02.1918
Surname: Rae
First Name(s): John G.
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Castle Douglas
No newspaper article
Lieutenant A. T. Railton
Date of Paper: 26.05.1916
Surname: Railton
First Name(s): A. T.
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Woodburn, Lightwood Road, Buxton
Lieutenant A. T. Railton, 1/4th Seaforths, killed in action at the battle of Aubers Ridge, on 9th May, 1915, was the eldest son of Mr J. A. and Mrs Temple Railton, Woodburn, Lightwood Road, Buxton. He was educated at Oundle School and at Glasgow University, where he graduated B.Sc. After leaving University, Lieut. Railton was employed by Messrs Harland & Wolff, ship builders, Glasgow. He was a member of the University O.T.C., and when war broke out he obtained a commission as Second-Lieut. in the Seaforths. Lieut. Railton went to the front in November, 1914, and took part in the fighting at Ypres and Neuve Chapelle. He was only 24 years of age and his death – he fell leading his platoon in the charge – was deeply regretted in the regiment.
A photograph of Lieut. Railton will be found above.
Photo: #6685

Sergeant H. J. Robertson
Date of Paper: 10.12.1915
Surname: Robertson
First Name(s): H. J.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Springhead, Hatfield Heath, Harlow, Essex
he above is a photograph of 2251 Private H. J. Robertson, 1/4th Seaforths, who, as we recorded in our last issue, has been awarded the D.C.M. for gallantry on 23rd October, 1915, at Rue du Bois, when on two occasions he went out under heavy fire, close to the German trenches, to dress the wounds of Sergt. Rogers, Dingwall. Private Robertson joined the 4th Seaforths at Bedford, and after being in training for two months he went to France with the battalion in November 1914. Although he had not receive much training, Private Robertson had always taken a great interest in First Aid work. He holds certificates in this subject from the London County Council. These are granted for both theoretical and practical knowledge, and are only awarded after attendance at classes taught by doctors and after passing examinations. His knowledge of First Aid enabled him before the war to train the boys of life brigades to save life. These Brigades are formed for training boys in the habits of discipline, and especially to teach them how to render aid to the injured. All Private Robertson’s leisure time was practically spent in work of this kind. He rose to be a Captain of one of these Brigades. His knowledge and experience in this direction have undoubtedly proved valuable to him in his work of stretcher-bearer at the front. In this post he has achieved the ideal of his life. At the first he desired this post; there was, however, no opening then but later when opportunity offered he eagerly seized it. He had been invited to become a non-commissioned officer, but preferred to remain a stretcher-bearer. The work was in accord with his ideals, and he is happy in it, that is, so far as possible amid the suffering and pain he has to witness. In this work he is sympathetic and self-sacrificing, and he is well worthy the recognition that he has received. Thirty years of age, he was born in Woodgreen, Middlesex, and is a clerk by profession, previous to the war having been on the clerical staff of the Metropolitan Asylum Board, which is in charge of hospitals for infectious diseases. He is Scotch on the maternal side, of which he is very proud. His father, Mr J. Robertson, is an official of the Education Office of the London County Council, and resides at Springhead, Harfield Heath, Harlow, Essex.
Another son is Rifleman A. Douglas Robertson of the Queen Victoria Rifles.
Date of Paper: 28.12.1917
H. J. Robertson, D.C.M., Seaforths, a son of Mr J. Robertson, Springhead, Hatfield Heath, Harlow, Essex, who has received information from the battalion to the effect that this well-known sergeant of the Seaforth stretcher-bearers is missing, and in all probability in German hands. Sergt. Robertson is believed to have been taken prisoner while discharging his duties but more particular information is desired, and anyone able to supplement what has been stated would greatly oblige Sergeant Robertson’s father by communicating with him direct.
The fact that Sergt. Robertson wears the Distinguished Conduct Medal is sufficient evidence of his valour and pluck. He received his honour for his efforts on behalf of Sergt. Rogers, Seaforths, Dingwall, whose life he undoubtedly preserved by going out to his relief in front of our lines and lying beside him and helping him during the day and until darkness admitted of his being brought in. Nor was this the only occasion on which Sergt. Robertson showed his fine courage and self-sacrifice. He had many noble deeds to his credit.
Sergt. Robertson is one of those Seaforth Territorials who crossed to France in the dark and critical days of November 1914, in support of the “Old Contemptibles”. He has been out ever since. A quiet, unassuming man, he won the deep respect of all.
Before the war, Sergt. Robertson took a deep interest in ambulance work, and held various certificates. He was also captain of a boys’ brigade. Thirty-two years of age, he was born at Woodgreen, Middlesex, and is a clerk by profession. Scotch on the maternal side, he is proud of his descent. Sergeant Robertson’s father is an official of the Education Office, London County Council.
A brother, Rifleman A. Douglas Robertson, is serving with the Queen Victoria Rifles.
Handwritten note: “Dec. 27/18 – Repatriated”
Private Donald Ross
Date of Paper: 29.09.1916
Surname: Ross
First Name(s): Donald
Rank: Private
Regiment: 4th Seaforths
Home Address: Tomatin
2331 Private Donald Ross, 4th Seaforths, wounded in France, and who has been in No S3 Ward , Merryflatts War Hospital, Govan, has made a rapid recovery. Recently he visited Ross-shire, and was given a hearty welcome from many friends. Private Ross, who is a son of Mr and Mrs Ross, Tomatin, will be remembered in Evanton and Dingwall. In the former place he was an assistant with Mr Wight, merchant, after which he was with Mr T. Nicol, merchant, Dingwall. Previous to the war he was employed in Oban. A Seaforth Territorial, he came to Evanton and rejoined his old company when the call came in August,1914. In November, 1914, he went to France, and with the exception of a few days leave he has been in the trenches ever since. He is a most obliging and courteous young man. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.
To his parents sincere sympathy is extended, for they on 15th July last, lost another son, who was in the Royal Scots and had only been at the front three days.
A portrait of Donald, who has now returned to his unit, appears above.
Sergeant Peter W. Ross
Date of Paper: 12.03.1916
Surname: Ross
First Name(s): Peter W.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Dulnain Bridge, Grantown on Spey
Ross, Sergt. Peter W., 235, was the son of Mr Charles Ross, Dulnain Bridge, Grantown-on-Spey. About 28 years of age, after serving on the clerical staff of the H.R. Coy., at Dingwall, he became cashier to Ferintosh Distillery Coy., where he remained for several years. Popular in social circles, prominent in musical circles, and widely esteemed, at the date of mobilisation he was employed in Inverness. Went to the front with the battalion as sergt-signaller; was invalided home; practically forced his way back with the first draft in February, 1915; went through Neuve Chapelle in safety, and was caught by a shell at Aubers Ridge.
Sergt. Ross was one of five brothers serving; three with Seaforths and two with Canadians.
Photo: #6677

Private Thomas Ross
Date of Paper: 09.05.1919
Surname: Ross
First Name(s): Thomas
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Amatuatua, Ardgay
Private Thomas Ross, 1/4th Seaforths, whose photograph appears in this issue, is a son of Mr and Mrs Gustavus Aird Ross, Amatua, Ardgay. He joined the Forces in 1916, prior to which he was a keeper on the Kildermorie Estate of Mr C. W. Dyson Perrins of Ardross. He was drafted to the 1/4th Seaforths in France in August of 1916, and passed through the subsequent service winter. At Arras in April, 1917, he was wounded, and sent home. He was discharged from further service in January, 1918. He has now so far recovered as to be able to resume his duties, his former post having been kept open for him.