Seaforths WW I page 1

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Photo: #6634

Anderson G A, L Corp, Sleights Seaforths

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Lance Corporal G. A. Anderson

Date of Paper: 21.12.1917
Surname: Anderson
First Name(s): G. A.
Rank: Lance-Corporal
Regiment: ‘B’ Co., 8th Platoon, Seaforths (Service)
Home Address: N.E.R. Station, Sleights, Yorks.

No Headline

There is reproduced to-day a photograph of Lance-Corporal G. A. Anderson, No. 6308, B Co., 8th Platoon, Seaforths (Service), who has been reported missing, and about whom his father, Mr S. Anderson, stationmaster, N. E. R. Station, Sleights, Yorks, is anxious to receive information. On August 22, 1917, the battalion went into action somewhere in France, and a part of the line getting too far forward was cut off. L/Corpl. Anderson was of the party. Enquiries for more specific particulars have been widely made, so far without result. Readers can communicate direct with the father or through the Editor.

Photo: #6664

Anderson J, Pte, St Andrews Seaforths

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Private J. Anderson

Date of Paper: 25.08.1916
Surname: Anderson
First Name(s): J.
Rank: Private
Regiment:: Seaforths
Home Address: 144 South Street, St Andrews

No Headline

Mrs J. Anderson, of 144 South Street, St Andrews, would be very pleased to hear from any comrade of Pte. J. Anderson, 9805, C Company, 9th Platoon, Seaforth Highlanders, who has been missing since July 1st 1916.

A photograph of Pte. Anderson appears above

Photo: #6675

Armour T, Pte, Manchester Seaforths

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Private T. Armour

Date of Paper: 12.05.1916
Surname: Armour
First Name(s): T.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Manchester

No Headline

No reference made

Photo: #6646

Ballantyne Philip Hugh, Lieut, Huddersfield Seaforths

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Lieutenant Philip Hugh Ballantyne

Date of Paper: 21.03.1919
Surname: Ballantyne
First Name(s): Philip Hugh
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: New Mill, Huddersfield


Lieut. Philip Hugh Ballantyne, 4th Sea.forths, killed in action on 28th October, 1918, was a son of the late Mr Ballantyne, headmaster of Zion Congregational School, Ripenden, and Mrs Ballantyne, School House, New Mill, Huddersfield. The late Lieut. Ballantyne at the outbreak of war was keenly anti-military, but when the reports of the atrocities were confirmed he enlisted at once to fight for the weak and oppressed. He joined as a private, and went to France early in November,1914, which entitled him to wear the Mons Star, and of which he was very proud. He was wounded at Neuve Chapelle in March, 1916, but recovered, and took part in the Festubert engagement in May. Subsequently he was recommended for a commission, and after training he was gazetted second-lieutenant in February, 1917, and for a second time he went to France in April of the same year. In September he had the misfortune to be wounded again, this time at Poelcapelle. Early in 1918 he was drafted to India, but was detained in Egypt till May, when he was ordered to return to England, and for a third time he went to France in May. During his military career he was through all the principal engagements with the exception of Messines Ridge and Cambrai, on both of which occasions he had been wounded, and was over in Blighty to recuperate. Just after four years of active service, invaluable to his country, he laid down his life near Valenciennes in the last great attack, which subsequently paralysed the Germans and made them sue for peace three weeks later. His body lies in an honoured grave at Famars, near Valenciennes.

Educated at Heath Grammar School, of which he was a distinguished scholar, he proceeded to Oxford, where in 1909 he obtained 15th place in the senior examination, being 5th in Greek and 8th in Latin. Leaving Oxford he was serving with the Metropolitan Asylums Board, London, when war broke out. Deceased was one of four soldiers sons. His elder brother. Captain James Ballantyne, was with the West Yorks, a younger brother, Lance-Corpl. Noel Ballantyne, was with the 5th Seaforths, and the youngest, John, was a wireless operator with the R.A.F. The late Lieut. Ballantyne was proud of his regiment and the fact that he was one of the famous 51st Division.
In his last letter to his mother, written on 26th September, 1918, Lieut. Ballantyne, who was a writer of remarkable power, gives a graphic pen picture of the days when the Germans were on the run. He writes: “I landed back to the Battalion on Tuesday night, and was fortunate enough to find them just coming out of the line. We are now in reserve just behind the line, in country out of which the Boche was cleared only a few days ago. The villages here are quite respectable, the houses whole and quite comfortable, and billets quite decent. There are also a good number of civilians just liberated from a four yearsí domination of the Boche, and as yet they donít quite seem to realise their freedom. They were cowed, timid creatures when we first came here but are improved now and get a bit of life. They’d been kept in the cellar while the Boche held the house. He took away all their bedding and all the clothes they had except what they actually wore or what they concealed by burying in their gardens and elsewhere. He even took the food the American Commission supplied them with and gave them his own diluted and artificial stuff. He confined them to their own villages and imprisoned them if they left their boundaries without a pass. The woman in my house has not seen her husband for four years, and so far has heard no word of him since July. She ís living in hopes of him turning up on leave one of these days. They lived in terror of us officers during the first few days, but now are quite normal, and are only too keen to talk to us and tell us of their experiences. Its a rare sight to see our boys helping them wheeling barrows for refugees and helping the old people across rickety bridges constructed over the ruins of those the Boche blew up. Itís pitiful, too, to see the clamouring crowds of puny, thin white-faced kiddies who cluster around the cookers at food times. They have taken properly to porridge and throng in shoals around the remnants. The folks here are now even spirited enough to jeer at their late oppressors as they pass here as prisoners. The boys, too, cheer them up, and the band is always sure of getting a rare welcome.”

In a letter to Mrs Ballantyne, the Colonel of her son’s Battalion writes: “It has been conveyed to you the extremely sad news of your son’s death. As your son’s C.O., I must write and tell you what a great loss it has been to everyone in the Battalion, and convey the heartfelt sympathy of everyone here. Quite recently I took him from all the officers in the Battalion and appointed him Intelligence Officer. It was during his duties as such that he was killed. He was one of the very best officers we ever had in the Battalion, and it is difficult indeed to replace him. Always cheerful and as brave as any man could be, he was beloved by officers and men alike.”

Photo: #6621

Bartleman Thomas Edward, 2 Lieut, Edinburgh Seaforths

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Second Lieutenant Thomas E. Bartleman

Date of Paper: 05.10.1917
Surname: Bartleman
First Name(s): Thomas Edward
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: 1 Merchiston Park, Edinburgh

No Headline

In to-day’s issue we reproduce the photograph of 2/Lieut. Thomas Edward Bartleman, Seaforths, who was killed in action. The deceased was the youngest son of Mr and Mrs James Bartleman, 1 Merchiston Park, Edinburgh. Twenty years of age, he was a pupil of George Watsonís College, and was at Edinburgh University, and in connection with the cadets of the former institution and the University O.T.C. he was a piper. He joined the Royal Scots in November, 1915, and was also a piper with them. He was gazetted in March last, and joined the Seaforths, and went to the front in June. His older brother, William, who was also in the Royal Scots, was killed in action in Gallipoli. The deep sympathy of Seaforths goes out to the parents.

Photo: #6658

Bentley G Albert, Pte, Leverhume Seaforths

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Private G. Albert Bentley

Date of Paper: 13.12.1918
Surname: Bentley
First Name(s): G. Albert
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Garden Village, Leverhume


A photograph appears to-day of a face long familiar to officers and the men of the 51st Division. Pte. G. Albert Bentley, Seaforths, killed in action on October 12th, 1918, as already reported, was one of the old school of 1/4th Seaforths whose death will be mourned by many of his old comrades, whose sympathy will go to his relatives, and particularly the eldest of his six sisters, Miss Annie Bentley, 18 South Avenue, Garden Village, Leverhume, Manchester. Both father and mother are dead. Pte. Bentley joined up on January 13, 1915, and went out to France with the second draft from Bedford in April of the same year, arriving in time to share in the bitter battle of Aubers on May 9th and 10th, when British artillery was scanty as things go today, and when the German machine guns were superior to anything the Allies then could muster. Throughout he shared the fortunes of the Seaforths, being twice wounded, first by a bomb explosion, early in the war, when the 1/4th Seaforths were in the Merville sector, and again at the Battle of Cambria in November last year, when many good men ìwent Westî. When in a field hospital in France he freely gave a transfusion of his blood to help a comrade through an operation, and subsequently was sent to England to recuperate. He returned to France in April of this year when reserves were called for to meet the great emergency. He got back to the 51st Division, joining the 5th (Sutherland) Seaforths, and with this battalion he made his last fight against the Bosche.

Officers and men speak highly of Pte. Bentley. “A noble fellow; everything to the home,” is a purely domestic and loving tribute to his memory. Old 4th Seaforths will remember him in the Somme battles of 1916 when he was servant to the late Lieut. Finch, who fell in the fight. Later on he was cook for the officers’ mess, where his willingness to serve in whatever capacity won him many friendships. He shared in the November 1917 battles at Cambrai, and, as stated, was wounded then. The officers of the 5th Seaforths, when he rejoined, promptly appropriated his services and he was cook for them. Also Pte.Bentley actually spent four birthday anniversaries in the line – May 10, 1915,1916, 1917 and 1918, and each of them was marked by the crash of battle, Aubers Ridge in 1915 probably being the most desperate. He was only 22 when the call came. Before the war he was an apprentice bookbinder at Longsight, near Manchester. In his home district he held the respect of the Burnage community, which was extended to the whole family. He was a keen member of the Boys’ Brigade, 41st Manchester Co., associated with Burnage Congregation Church. The whole neighbourhood had a good word for him just as had his associates in the sterner work of war. Casualties at all times are sorrowful; in these last days of great tragedy of the Great War especially in the case of men of long and honourable service and many battles they have been hardest of all to bear for those left mourning.

Photo: #6645

Blackwood Miles Harry, Lieut, Seaforths

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Lieutenant Miles Harry Blackwood

Date of Paper: 21.07.1911
Surname: Blackwood
First Name(s): Miles Harry
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Not stated


The above is a portrait of Lieut. Miles Harry Blackwood, Seaforth Highlanders, whom we reported last week as having been killed in France on the 1st inst., while gallantly leading his men. Only 19 years of age, and educated at Harrow, he joined the Royal Fusiliers at the outbreak of the War straight from school, and after serving with them at Dover for a year, he went through Sandhurst, and obtained a regular commission in the Seaforths, with whom he served at Nigg and Cromarty until the 1st June, when he joined his battalion in France.

A most promising and very popular young officer, he was the only son of Captain and Mrs Harry Blackwood (the former now serving in Egypt), a grandson of Mr Mackenzie of Farr and a nephew of Mrs Davidson of Tulloch, to all of whom, as well as his many friends, his death will come as a severe blow.

Photo: #6633

Buckingham Frank, L Corp, Leeds Seaforths

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Lance Corporal Frank Buckingham

Date of Paper: 19.11.1915
Surname: Buckingham
First Name(s): Frank
Rank: Lance-Corporal
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 23 Harehills Terrace, Leeds

No Headline

3604 Lance-Corporal Frank Buckingham, 1/4th Seaforths, who was dangerously wounded during active operations in France on the 13th October, passed quietly away while unconscious on the 16th October. His commanding officer, Lieut.-Colonel Cuthbert, D.S.O., wrote to his mother, who resides at 23 Harehills Terrace, Leeds, “that her lad did his duty well, and it was while performing his duty in the firing line that he was shot through the head by an enemy bullet.”

Lance-Corporal Buckingham enlisted at Leeds in the 3/4th Seaforths on the 29th April last, and was in training at Fort George up to nine weeks ago, when he went out to the front. At the time of enlistment he was about 17 years of age and his early education was received at Bradford, where he won a scholarship at Belle Vue Secondary School. He was of a bright and cheerful disposition, and highly esteemed amongst a large circle of friends in Leeds and Bradford. He offered his services cheerfully and willingly to serve his King and country, and no laddie could have been prouder of his regiment than this Leeds lad.

Much sympathy is felt for his father and mother and other members of the family in this heavy blow, and the hope is expressed that the death of this gallant young soldier may be an inspiration to many young men to come forward and offer their services in this hour of their country’s need.
It may be mentioned that Lance-Corporal Buckingham’s father is serving with the Army Service Corps, and was for some months at the Dardanelles. A brother who tried several times to join an infantry regiment has been recently accepted for the Army Service Corps, and is at present at Aldershot. In addition, three of his father’s brothers are serving with the colours

Photo: #6630

Campbell Alexander, Gunner, Royal Gun Artillery Ex Seaforths

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Gunner Alexander Campbell

Date of Paper: 27.07.1917
Surname: Campbell
First Name(s): Alexander
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Gun Artillery
Home Address: Unknown


There is reproduced to-day a photograph of Gunner Alexander Campbell, who, about three weeks ago, rejoined the Army. He was one of the original band of 4th Seaforths who, after mobilisation in August, 1914, proceeded to Bedford and thence to France. A stretcher-bearer of D Company, he served right through the campaign of that winter, and took his place in the engagements of Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, and the various other hard fought fights, being held in the highest affection and regard by both his officers and men, all of whom spoke of him as a man who could be trusted to do his duty wherever it lay. The rigours of a second winter following on such a season of hard work without a single day’s leave or a single hour’s absence from duty, proved too much, and Gr. Campbell was invalided home with rheumatic fever. In March, 1916, he obtained his discharge as a time-expired man, but was not again passed fit until June of this year, and a month later he enrolled in the R.G.A. Quiet and modest in manner, Gr. Campbell has always been noted for his upright and affectionate character and his almost fanatical regard to whatever duty or honour may require of him to do. The good wishes of a very large circle of friends follow him on his again entering the Army.

Photo: #6620

Chadwick Edward Neal, 2 Lieut, Hyde Seaforths

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Lieutenant Edward Neal Chadwick

Date of Paper: 08.11.18
Surname: Chadwick
First Name(s): Edward Neale
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Mount Pleasant, Gee Cross, Hyde, Cheshire


2nd Lieut. Edward Neal Chadwick, 3rd (attached 2nd) Seaforth Highlanders missing October 4th 1917. Can any returned Prisoner or Wounded throw any light upon this Officer’s fate, A. E. Chadwick, Mount Pleasant, Gee Cross, Hyde, Cheshire.

The above notice has appeared in the last two issues of the Ross-shire Journal, and a photograph of Lieut. Chadwick appears to-day. The 4th October, 1917, is recalled by all who shared in the fight and remain to tell the story with saddened memories. A number of officers and men were posted missing and while the bodies of several of these were subsequently recovered and interred, of three officers of whom Lt. Chadwick is one, and a considerable number of men, there is absolutely no trace yet found or recorded. Lt Chadwick’s father has pursued the most through and systematic investigations in the interest of others as well as his own, and he hopes that any Seaforth, whether in home depot or discharged, or at the front, who can help to elucidate the facts, will communicate with him at the address given.

“Lt E. N. Chadwick,” who was 24 years, says the Hyde Reporter, “was a smart soldier, and was well known in the town. He was educated at the Hyde Grammer School, and was subsequently articled with the firm with which his father is connected, and after passing his final examination he joined the colours as a private in December, 1915. He took the Glasgow and Aldershot courses of training, and was for a time sergeant instructor, and performed the duties of training troops in Scotland. After that he was sent to College at Cambridge, and in January this year was given his commission, being gazetted Second Lieutenant in his old regiment, which is a line regiment, as a special reserve officer. Then he was drafted to a pioneer school at Reading, and went to Flanders early in May this year.”

Any Seaforth in the neighbourhood of Dingwall, who can supply information, will oblige by calling on the Editor, Ross-shire Journal, Dingwall.

Photo: #6637

Clark A, Lieut, Peterhead Seaforths

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Lieutenant A. Clark

Date of Paper: 17.05.1918
Surname: Clark
First Name(s): A.
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: 84, Queen Street, Peterhead.

No Headline

No extract

Photo: #6644

Clayton Keith, Lieut, Croydon Seaforths

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Lieutenant Keith Clayton

Date of Paper: 19.05.1916
Surname: Clayton
First Name(s): Keith
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 2 Bedford Place, Croydon


Lieut. Keith Clayton, son of Mr T. G. Clayton, 2 Bedford Place, Croydon, is one of the original 1/4th Seaforths who has received a commission in H.M. Forces. On September 4th, 1914, he enlisted in the 1/4th Seaforths in Bedford, and on November 5th of the same year he left with the regiment for France. On 11th March at Neuve Chapelle he was wounded, and after seven weeks in hospital he rejoined at the depot on May 13th, 1915. On 10th September last he was gazetted 2nd Lieutenant in the 2/1st Cambridgeshire Regiment, and in February of this year was promoted lieutenant. The boys of the 1/4th Seaforths at home and in France will be glad to hear of Lieut. Clayton’s progress. A photograph of Lieut. Clayton appears to-day.

Photo: #6647

Crichton Norman, Lieut Rev, Stornoway Seaforths

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Lieutenant (Rev.) Norman Crichton

Date of Paper: 12.01.1917
Surname: Crichton
First Name(s): Norman
Rank: Lieutenant (Rev.)
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Keith Street, Stornoway


Lieut. the Rev. Norman Crichton, Seaforths, of whom the above is a photograph, was killed in action in November, 1916, was the only son of Mr and Mrs Crichton, Keith Street, Stornoway, and was 28 years of age. When war broke out he was a student at the Aberdeen United Free Church College, and was in his last year. Along with several other fellow students he volunteered for service as a chaplain, but growing impatient at the delay in appointment, he enlisted as a private in the Gordons. In the autumn of 1915 he received a commission, and was posted to the Seaforths, whom he joined at the front about 10 months ago.

Other three pupils of the Nicolson Insitute, Lieut. Isaac Maciver, Lieut. Alex. Macaulay, and Lieut. Murdo Murray, were in the Seaforths with the deceased. Previous to crossing to France Mr Crichton was licensed by the United Free Presbytery of Lewis. He was beloved by his men, and in his death the regiment has lost one of its best officers.

Photo: #6651

Cuthbert T W, Major, Seaforths

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Major T. W. Cuthbert

Date of Paper: 21.08.1915
Surname: Cuthbert
First Name(s): T. W.
Rank: Major
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Not stated

no Headline

Photograph, with the caption “Major T. W. Cuthbert, C.M.G., D.S.O.”

Photo: #6641

Daman Geoffrey, Lieut, Wallingford Seaforths

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Lieutenant Geoffrey Windeatt Daman

Date of Paper: 11.06.1915
Surname: Daman
First Name(s): Geoffrey
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Wallingford, Berkshire


The above is a portrait of Lieut, Geoffrey Windeatt Daman, 1/4th Seaforth Highlanders, killed in action in France on 24th May. He was 21 years of age, and was the son of Mr and Mrs Daman, Wallingford, Berkshire.


Second-Lieut. Geoffrey Windeatt, Daman, 1/4th Seaforths, killed in action in France on May 24, 1915, aged 21 years, was the elder and only surviving son of Mr and Mrs John Daman, Wallingford, Berkshire. At Oxford he was a member of the University O.T.C. (Artillery), and immediately after the declaration of war he offered his services to the War Office. Shortly afterwards he was gazetted to the 4th Royal Berks Regiment, and transferred to the 4th Seaforth Highlanders, with whom he had already been working. He went to the front with his Battalion on November 5 and had seen much fighting, including the battle of Neuve Chapelle. Lieut. Daman, whose photograph we reproduce, was shot through the head by a sniper, and killed instantaneously, while on duty in the front trench in command of the bomb mortar section.

He was buried at the British Cemetery at Vielle Chapelle, beside the grave of his friend, Lieut. Railton

Photo: #6657

Davies E L, Pte, London Seaforths

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Private E. L. Davies

Date of Paper: 10.031916
Surname: Davies
First Name(s): E. L.
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: 115, Herne Hill Road, London.

No Headline

Davies, Private E. L. 2061, B (Dingwall) Coy., wounded 11th March, 1915, died of wounds same day; aged 27 years; son of Mrs Davies, 115 Herne Hill Road, London, clerk in counting house of Messrs George Brettle & Coy., 119 Wood Street London. E. C.

Page created on 5 March 2021

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