Fodderty War Memorial

Attribution: Photo courtesy of Morris Colven

Fodderty (Strathpeffer) War Memorial

Fodderty War Memorial

Fodderty War Memorial

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

Over main gate –

To the glory of God.
In remembrance 1914-1918.
Pro patria, pro rege.
Highland memory is long for Highland love is strong.

On gates –

In piam memoriam 1918 – Freedom – Peace – In piam memoriam 1918.

War Memorial To Men Of Strathpeffer and District
Dedicated Armistice Day 11th November 1933

Fodderty War Memorial - Inside right gatepost.

Inside the right gatepost

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

Memorial Gates Opened By Ex-Servicemen Representing Comrades
David Macintosh, Farmer, Millnain
Donald Mackenzie, Crofter, Knockfarrel

Name Tablets Unveiled By Parents Representing Relatives
Alexander Macleod, Shepherd, Duran
Donald Macrae, Carpenter, Strathpeffer

“Mors Janua Vitae”

Fodderty War Memorial - Inside the main gate.

Inside the main gate

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

Inside the main gate:

Tìr mo chridhe an cèol bu bhinne thigibh dhachaidh gu bràth buaidh leis an laimh a cheanglas an teud briste. Is feàrr dùthchas na gach nì an àm cruadail aithnichear na gaisgich. Sliochd fineachan uasal a ghin o na tuathaich sheas iad an dùthaich anns gach cùis is càs. Fir nach do chuir cùl ri caraid no ri nàmhaid toiseach teachd is deireadh falbh Fir nach do reic is nach do cheannaich a chòir is buainne bladh na saoghal. Fìrinn ‘nan neart ‘nan làmhaibh coimhlionadh ‘nan teangaibh. Is cian bhios iomradh air a ghaisgeach an tùs catha b’fheàrr na ceud. Chlann nan Gaidheal chlann nan gaisgeach leanaibh dlùth ri bhur cliù is bhur n-eachdraidh. Beul a labhras ach gniomh a dhearbhas tha an uaisle mar a chumar i. Cha do shir is cha do sheachainn iad an cath cha do thill ach an cliù mairidh an cuimhne.

Land of my heart the sweetest music come home forever success to the hand that binds the broken string. Heredity is better than all things in time of hardship the heroes are recognised. Offspring of the noble clans who were bred from the country folk they stood for their country in every cause and hardship. Men who did not turn their back on friend or foe first to come and last to go. Men who did not sell or buy justice renown is more lasting than life. Truth in their hearts strength in their hands fulfilment in their speech. Long will there be no mention of the hero at the beginning of battle better than a hundred. Children of the Gael children of the heroes closely adhere to your renown and your history. The mouth utters but actions is maintained. They did not seek nor avoid the battle only their honour returned. Their memory will last.

Cha Do Shir Is Cha Do Sheachainn Iad An Cath

In Honour Of Those Who Served. In Sympathy With Those Who Suffered And In Fadeless Memory of These Departed Who At Duty’s High Command Undismayed And Noble Hearted Died For Home And Native Land.

Within the Left Gateway

1914 - 1918

Alistair Asher Driv MT Royal ASC

Lachlan Bain  Sgt Maj  2nd Seaforths

David Bryden  Pte  Scots Guards

Duncan J Cameron  Cpl  68th Royal Engineers

Kenneth Cameron  Pte  2nd Seaforths

Alexander Cameron  Pte  6th Seaforths

Simon McKay Campbell  Pte  7th Seaforths

Sweeton Campbell  Pte  8th Canadians  [also mentioned on Dingwall War Memorial]

J Mackenzie Campbell  Cpl  5th Camerons

Roderick R Clunas  Pte  4th Seaforths

John Corbett  LCpl  4th Camerons

Charles Dempster  Gunner  RHA

John Dempster  Pte  Royal Scots Greys

Hugh Dewar  Sgt  1st Camerons

John Dewar  Pte  Highd Lt Infy

Alexander Innes  Pte  Gordons

James Kemp  Pte  4th Seaforths

Alistair MacAndrew  Lieut  1st Black Watch

John McCaskill  Pte  Inniskillin Fusiliers

James MacDonald MM  Sgt  4th Seaforths

John MacDonald  Pte  4th Seaforths

Kenneth D MacDonald  Pte  4th Seaforths

Duncan Mackintosh  Pte  4th Seaforths

Finlay MacIver  Pte  4th Seaforths

Fodderty War Memorial - Within the left gateway.

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

Within the Right Gateway

1914 - 1918

Donald Mackay  Pte  7th Seaforths

John R Mackenzie  Lieut  21st Canadians

Archibald Mackenzie  LCpl  9th Seaforths

Thompson Mackenzie  Air Mech  Royal Air Force

Angus Macleod  LCpl  3rd Canadian MGC

David Macleod  LCpl  4th Seaforths

Kenneth J Macleod  Pte  7th Seaforths

Norman Macleod  Pte  Machine Gun Corps

Angus Macleod  Pte  12th Australian EF

Christopher Macrae  Pte  Northamptons

George D Macrae  Lieut  4th Machine Gun Corps

Peter Macrae  Pte  Canadian Infantry

Alexander Matheson  Lieut  3rd Canadian MGC

William Matheson  Pte  28th Canadians

Robert Munro  LCpl  4th Seaforths

Peter Murray  Pte  RAMC

William Murray  Pte  NCC

Ian Ross  Captain  4th King's Liverpool Regmt

George Ross MM  Cpl  84th Royal Engineers

Peter Smith  Pte  F Amb Highd Mtd Brigade

James John Souter  Chief Engr  Merchant Service

Duncan Stewart  Piper  2nd Black Watch

William Sutherland  Sgt  4th Seaforths

Adam Sutherland  Pte  4th Seaforths

Andrew Tolmie  Pte  Highd Lt Infy

Fodderty War Memorial - Within the right gateway.

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

1939 - 1945

Mairidh An Cuimhne

In The Flower Of Their Youth They Marched Forth To Battle, Brave In Heart, Dauntless In Spirit, And Fell, That We Might March Onward To The Fulfilment Of God’s Eternal Purpose.

Robert I R M Aird  A/C  Royal Air Force
Finlay D Campbell  Marine  R M Commandos
William J Dempster  Pte  4th Seaforth Hrs
Thomas D M Macdonald  Lt  HMS Courageous
Donald MacKay  Pte  4th Seaforth Hrs
Hugh Smith  Pte  4th Seaforth Hrs

Theirs The Glory, Ours The Gain.

Fodderty War Memorial

Attribution: Mr John W Bruce

In 2018, as the centenary of the ending of the First World War approached, the Fodderty War Memorial situated at the entrance to Fodderty Cemetery, was refurbished as part of a Highland Council project to restore war memorials across the region.

Fodderty War Memorial - Looking south.

Attribution: Photo courtesy of the Editor of the Ross-shire Journal.

War Memorial looking south

Fodderty War Memorial - Looking north to the Heights of Fodderty.

Attribution: Photo courtesy of the Editor of the Ross-shire Journal.

Looking north to the Heights of Fodderty.

Fodderty War Memorial

Attribution: Photo courtesy of the Editor of the Ross-shire Journal.

L-r: Councillor Margaret Paterson, Alf Leslie, Councillor Angela Maclean. 

The memorial was designed and made by A Marshall Mackenzie & Son and by Donald Matheson, a Scottish architect responsible for various projects through the UK, including Australia House in London.  An inscription on the memorial reveals that it was erected in memory of “the men of Strathpeffer and District” and dedicated on Armistice Day 1933.

Over the years the metal gates had deteriorated and were in poor condition.  The in-house council project, using funds from the Scottish Government and the skills of local craftsmen from Black Isle Bronze in Nairn, James Evans & Sons in Dingwall,  and John Hood & Son in Dingwall;  has now resulted in the complete restoration of the memorial, under the direction of the council’s war memorial project co-ordinator, Alf Leslie.

The work included restoration of the lettering, scroll work, the stonework surrounding the gates, and painting of the gates, following removal of the old coating then cleaning and repairing the metalwork.

The photos appearing below show the gates in October 2018 following refurbishment. [All photos RCHS.]

Fodderty War Memorial - following refurbishment

Right side pedestrian gate.

Fodderty War Memorial - following refurbishment

Main gate, left side

Fodderty War Memorial - following refurbishment

Left side pedestrian gate.

Fodderty War Memorial - following refurbishment

Main gate, right side

Fodderty War Memorial - following refurbishment

The entire gate.

Page created on 18 January 2021

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