Attribution: Photo courtesy of Iain Sinclair (Strathconon, October 2018.)

Milton Burial Ground

Milton burial ground, Strathconon.

Milton burial ground, Strathconon.     Attribution: unknown

Strathconon cemetery

New extension to Milton burial ground.    Attribution: unknown

Strathconon Graveyard 

Strathconon gravestone

The Combe family lived in Strathconon for many years.

The inscription on this lichen encrusted stone reads: John Frederick Boyce Combe, CB, DSO, Major General, Colonel of 11th Hussars. August 1895 – 12 July 1967.

   Attribution: [Photo E Sinclair]

Strathconon cemetery

Alexander Macdonald gravestone in Strathconon Graveyard      Attribution: unknown

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