Dingwall WW II Page 4

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Photo: #8080

Gunner Ian Murray

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Gunner Ian Murray

Date of Paper: 27.06.1941 and 12.09.194(?)
Surname: Murray
Forename(s): Ian
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Not stated
Home Address: Warden Street, Dingwall

Official notice was received in Dingwall yesterday that Gnr. Ian Murray, son of Mr and Mrs Murray (railway guard), Warden Street, is posted missing. Well known in town, Mr Murray, aged 22, was on the staff of Mackenzie, grocers, Dingwall, before going on service. He was the first militiaman to leave Dingwall, and after the Norwegian campaign he was one of the last to leave Narvik. Recently he was in the Middle East. On 26th May his parents received a cablegram stating that he was then well and safe. While in the East he met Dr. Bruce.

Date of Paper: 12.09.194(?)

Gunner Ian Murray, reported missing in June 1941, has now been officially reported as a prisoner of war. A son of Mr David Murray, railway guard, and Mrs Murray, Warden Street, Dingwall, he was formerly employed by the late Mr William Mackenzie, grocer. He was the first militiaman to leave Dingwall, and after the Norwegian campaign he went to the Middle East.

Handwritten note: “Liberated 25th May, 1945.”

Photo: #8083

Private Alexander H. Neilson

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Private Alexander H. Neilson

Date of Paper: 21.08.1942
Surname: Neilson
Forename(s): Alexander H.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Royal Tank Regiment
Home Address: 42 Fingal Road, Dingwall

Mrs Neilson, 42 Fingal Road, Dingwall, has received information that her husband, Pte. Alexander H. Neilson, Royal Tank Regiment, was wounded on 22nd July, 1942. Preceding this intimation, Mrs Neilson had a letter from her husband stating that he was slightly wounded in the ear and in the ankle, but that he hoped to resume duty in a short time. Pte. Neilson, prior to enlisting, was the SSPCA Inspecctor for Ross and Sutherland and is well and favourably known throughout both counties.

Photo: #8086

Private Paddy O’Hare

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Private Paddy O'Hare

Date of Paper: 07.07.1944
Surname: O’Hare
Forename(s): Paddy
Rank: Private
Regiment: Not stated
Home Address: 9 Grant Street, Dingwall

Miss Janet O’Hare, 9 Grant Street, Dingwall, has received information from her brother, Pte. Paddy O’Hare, that he was wounded in Normandy, and is in hospital in England.

Photo: #8088

Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas Primrose

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Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas Primrose

Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Primrose
Forename(s): Thomas (and brother, Corporal Beddie Primrose)
Rank: Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Meiklefield Road, Dingwall

RQMS Thomas Primrose, The Seaforths, missing, resides with his wife at Meiklefield Road, Dingwall. An original 1/4th Seaforth in the last war, he served in France from 1914 to 1918, being awarded the 1914-15 Star, and other medals. Soldiering attracted him, and after being demobilised from the Territorials he enlisted in the Regular Seaforths, and later served with his battalion in India, Palestine and China (Hong Kong). Subsequently, he was appointed CSM to The Seaforth Highlanders, stationed at Golspie. His father, Mr William Primrose, Burnside, Dingwall, was Pioneer Sergeant for over 25 years with the 1st V.B. Seaforth Highlanders, and later with the 4th Seaforth Highlanders (T.F.). A brother of RQMS Primrose, Corporal Beddie Primrose, of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, also an old Seaforth, as stated in our last issue, paid a flying visit home last week.

Handwritten notes: “Prisoner of War 9th August, 1940. Liberated by Russians in Poland and taken (remainder obliterated).”

N.B. Unfortunately, there is no record of Thomas Primrose’s service in the Ross-shire Journal extracts for the 1914.18 War.

Photo: #8092

Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Duncan M. Reid

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Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Duncan M. Reid

Date of Paper: 06.10.1944
Surname: Reid
Forename(s): Duncan M.
Rank Surgeon: Lieutenant Commander
Regiment: Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
Home Address: High Grove, Craig Road, Dingwall

REID – Died suddenly, at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, on the 4th October, 1944, Surg. Lieut.- Commander Duncan M. Reid, RNVR, third son of the late Mr John Reid and Mrs Reid, High Grove, Craig Road, Dingwall.

Photo: #8091

Sergeant Pilot Instructor Richard Reid

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Sergeant Pilot Instructor Richard Reid

Date of Paper: 22.10.1943
Surname: Reid
Forename(s): Richard
Rank: Sergeant Pilot Instructor
Regiment: Royal Air Force
Home Address: Millcraig Road, Dingwall


Mr and Mrs Reid, Millcraig Road, Dingwall, have received intimation that their son, Sergt. Pilot Instructor Richard Reid, RAF, was killed as the result of a flying accident somewhere in Scotland.

Sergt. Pilot Reid, who was only 21 years of age, joined the RAF from Dingwall Academy in 1940. His training was taken in Canada. A lad of high promise, he was always cheery and bright, a great favourite among his companions. When the news was heard in Dingwall yesterday there was the deepest sorrow at his passing and many expressions of sympathy with the bereaved parents.

Photo: #8089

Sapper David Rennie

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Sapper David Rennie

Date of Paper: 14.08.1942
Surname: Rennie
Forename(s): David
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Home Address: Macdonald’s Court, Dingwall


Sapper David Rennie, R.E., is reported wounded while serving in the Middle East. He is a son of Mr Robert Rennie, Macdonald’s Court, Dingwall, and before joining up was a plumber with Messrs Macdonald & Fraser, Dingwall.

Photo: #8084

Private Charles Rhind

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Private Charles Rhind

Date of Paper: 21.01.1944
Surname: Rhind
Forename(s): Charles
Rank: Private
Regiment: Canadian Medical Corps
Home Address: Canada, ex-Albert Place, Dingwall


Pte. Charles Rhind, Canadian Medical Corps, killed in action in the Middle East, was the youngest son of Mr Rhind, cabinetmaker, and the late Mrs Rhind, Albert Place, Dingwall. In the last war Pte. Rhind served with The Seaforths, and later was transferred to the RAMC and served with them for five years in India. On his returnm from India he settled in Canada, and when the present war broke out re-enlisted in the Canadian Medical Corps. Forty-five years of age, he is survived by a widow and one daughter.

Photo: #8090

Sergeant Alastair Ross

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Sergeant Alastair Ross

Date of Paper: 13.09.1940
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): Alastair and Donald
Rank: Sergeant / Corporal
Regiment: Cameron Highlanders / Seaforths
Home Address: Hill Street, Dingwall

Sergt. Alastair Ross, Camerons, prisoner of war, lived at Hill Street, Dingwall. He is an ex-Scoutmaster in Dingwall. So far, there is no word of his brother, Corpl. Donald Ross, The Seaforths.

Photo: #8082

Lieutenant Angus A. Ross

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Lieutenant Angus A. Ross

Date of Paper: 30.10.1942
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): Angus A.
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: New Zealand R.N. Volunteer Reserve
Home Address: New Zealand, ex-Fernbank, Dingwall

Handwritten notes: “Son of late John Ross, Fernbank, Dingwall. Accidentally killed. See R.J. 6th Nov., 1942.”

Photo: #8079

Corporal Donald Ross

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Corporal Donald Ross

Date of Paper: Not stated
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): Donald
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: 7 Peffery Road, Dingwall.

Handwritten notes: “Missing June 1940. 9th October, 1942 – Reported killed in action on 4th June, 1940.”

Photo: #8085

Private Jack Ross

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Private Jack Ross

Date of Paper: 24.11.1944
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): Jack
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: 22 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall


Pte. Jack Ross, The Seaforths, posted missing on 22nd September, is now known to be a prisoner of war in Germany. His mother, Mrs Mackenzie, 22 Gladstone Avenue, Dingwall, on Friday, received a postcard from him stating that he was safe and well.

Photo: #8087

Private Robert Ross

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Private Robert Ross

Date of Paper 07.09.1940
Surname Ross
Forename(s) Robert
Rank Private
Regiment Camerons
Home Address Hedge Valley, by Inverness

Pte. Robert Ross, Camerons, prisoner of war, is a son of Mr and Mrs Daniel Ross, Hedge Valley, by Inverness, and was employed by Messrs Macpherson & Coy., Sporting Store, Inverness, before the war. He is a former pupil of Dingwall Academy.

Photo: #8081

Gunner Stenning Ross

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Gunner Stenning Ross

Date of Paper: 03.04.1942
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): Stenning
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Artillery
Home Address: High Street, Dingwall

Gr. Stenning Ross, Royal Artillery, reported missing at Singapore, is a son of the late Mr James Ross, and a grandson of the late Mr Roderick Ross, clothier, High Street, Dingwall. Much sympathy will be extended to his mother, who resides in Paisley, and other relatives in their anxiety.

Page updated on 30 August 2023

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