Castle Street Church Of Scotland

Attribution: unknown (Greenhill street  in Dingwall looking North)

Castle Street Church of Scotland

The Castle Street Church of Scotland is situated in Castle Street opposite the National Hotel. Built in 1909 as the United Free Church (a result of the Union of Free and United Presbyterian Churches in 1900), the architect was William Mackintosh. The Free Church won right to property and assets of the pre1900 Free Church. A congregation of around 300 (members and adherents) meets twice on Sundays for worship, with a weekly Prayer Meeting/Bible Study and Coffee Morning. Internally the church is finished in pitch pine. The west stained glass window was inserted in 1926 as a memorial to Provost Crawford. The organ, by Messrs. Foster and Andrews, was installed in 1991 but was built in 1895 for Blackadder Church, North Berwick. New Hall suite built at rear was opened and dedicated in 1991.

01 Dingwall Churches

Attribution: unknown

Centenary of Castle Street Church of Scotland 1909-2009

We all know about being in the right place at the right time! For me this does not happen often, but since this is the Centenary year of our Congregation it is certainly true. I count it an honour to be asked to contribute this Foreword to the Centenary Booklet as minister of the Congregation at this momentous time. The fact that I am here is within the providence of God, and I am happy to commend this short history of the Congregation to you. This will inevitably mean most to those who have been around Dingwall for the longest time, since it will mention the names of individuals and families who have played an important part in the history of the Congregation, but I trust that even those who are comparative newcomers will find something of interest in our history.

– Rev. Grahame McL. Henderson

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Attribution: unknown

Dry rot work

‘Dry rot’ is how some would describe the subject of history, but in 2013-14 this was a problem facing the congregation of Castle Street Church when a fallen piece of plaster revealed what would become a period of extensive, and expensive, repairs.

The congregation engaged John Morrison, Timber Preservation Ltd, a firm with experience in this type of work, since buildings associated with sister churches, built like Castle Street, in the first decade of the 20th century, had encountered similar disasters.

The photographs which follow are courtesy of John Morrison Ltd and the Minister and Kirk Session of Castle Street Church.

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