Dingwall Events

Attribution: unknown (Greenhill street  in Dingwall looking North)

Dingwall Events in Old Photographs

[All photos courtesy of Dingwall Museum Trust unless otherwise stated.]

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Dingwall » Dingwall History » Dingwall Events

Dingwall Events

All photos courtesy of Dingwall Museum unless otherwise stated.
15 Dingwall Events

Armed Forces Day 2009

Click on photo album to view thumbnails and then click thumbnail to see the full size images 
Dingwall » Dingwall History » Dingwall Armed Forces Day 2009

Dingwall Armed Forces Day 2009

Thanks are due to Mrs Pat Macleod of Dingwall Museum for permission to include her photographs of Armed Forces Day 2009. Not all names of participants are known but RCHS will be happy to include these when advised.
Armed Forces Day 2009

Dingwall Remembrance Events

In order to mark the centenary of the ending of World War 1, Dingwall Royal British Legion members, in association with Lord Lieutenant Mrs Janet Bowen, CVO, Seaforth Highlanders Association, local councillors and clergy, and numerous dedicated individuals from within the community, met to consider how this significant anniversary might be met within the town.

45 Dingwall Remembrance 2018

Attribution: Mrs Pat Macleod of Dingwall Museum.

50th Anniversary of Pefferside Park

Thanks are due to Mrs Pat Macleod, Dingwall Museum, for permission to reproduce photographs of the celebration of 50 years of Pefferside Park.

Dingwall Pefferside Park
03 Dingwall Pefferside Park
Dingwall Pefferside Park

Attribution: the 3 photos in this section: Mrs Pat Macleod, Dingwall Museum 

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