Peter Angus

Attribution: unknown (Greenhill street  in Dingwall looking North)

Peter Angus

In the Birthday Honours of 2018 Peter Angus was awarded the BEM for his services to the community, extending over 50 years. While those who receive an award might opt to have it presented at Buckingham Palace, Peter was persuaded that the best place was in the town of his birth, Dingwall, in the company of family, friends and the community.

On Great Feil Maree day (Rotary street fair) of 1 September 2018 Peter received his well-deserved award from the Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Janet Bowen, surrounded by an admiring crowd.

Peter’s service to Dingwall includes the Fire Brigade Community Group and the Seaforth Highlanders Regimental Association (Ross-shire) and his working life was with Scottish Water. He and his wife Jennifer have a daughter and three granddaughters, one of whom, Morgan, led the Army Cadets Pipe Band parade through Dingwall at Easter 2018, an occasion of great pride to Peter and Jennifer.

Peter is an accomplished drummer and is a member of Inver-Ross Accordion and Fiddle Group, even performing with them at the Great Feil Maree immediately prior to receiving his BEM – perhaps a sign that he never stops serving the community!

29 PeterAngus, wife Jennifer and Lord Lieutenant Mrs Janet Bowen [Photo courtesy of Alasdair Cameron]

Peter Angus, wife Jennifer and Lord Lieutenant Mrs Janet Bowen

Attribution: Photo courtesy of Alasdair Cameron

28 PeterAngus, MBE [Photo courtesy of Alasdair Cameron]

Peter Angus receiving the award of MBE from Lord Lieutenant Mrs Janet Bowen.

Attribution: Photo courtesy of Alasdair Cameron

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