Tain Cunarder Lane

Attribution: unknown (Procession in High Street for Diamond Jubilee 1897)

Cunarder Lane

An alternative name for Cunarder Lane in the recent past was ‘Lavy Lane’ because of the old public toilets (now replaced) situated at the top entrance to the lane. These toilets were referred to as the ‘Cunarder’ and have since given the name to the lane itself. No one seems sure of the origin of the name ‘Cunarder’ but it has been suggested it was named after one of the Cunarder Liners being launched at the time the toilets were constructed. It certainly seems a plausible explanation. This lane is on the east side of the Rose Garden and links up the High Street with Kirksheaf Road and Chapel Street. Part way down the lane there is a recess in the wall that borders onto the Rose Garden which resembles a fireplace. It has been suggested that this was perhaps used by unemployed men during the depression years.

The bottom end of Cunarder Lane.

Cunarder Lane - The bottom end - photo 3

Attribution: unknown

The fireplace recess.

Cunarder Lane - The fireplace recess - photo 2

Attribution: unknown

The top end of Cunarder Lane.

Cunarder Lane - Top end - photo 1

 Attribution: unknown

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