The topography of Tain

Attribution: unknown (Procession in High Street for Diamond Jubilee 1897)

The Topography of Tain

The land around Tain can be divided into four main areas:-

A low sandy plain mostly below 5 metres above sea level which contains the Morrich More and Fendom areas.

A raised beach or terrace about 15 metres above sea level with a gentle upward slope to the south and south west merging with the lower slopes of Tain Hill.

A low undulating plain to the north and the west of Loch Eye mostly below 40 metres but sloping gently upwards to the west to over 100 metres where it meets the lower slopes of the upland region.

An upland area of Old Red Sandstone to the west of Tain reaching to over 300 metres at its highest point and bounded to the north by the sea, to the west by the Edderton Burn and to the south by the Aldie Water.

Map of the Dornoch Firth showing the local topography

Attribution: unknown

The Fendom

Find out more about the Fendom and read the rest of this poem:

Flat lies the Fendom
Its fences, ditches, railway and roads
Straight lines creating a chessboard of fields,
Cows and sheep the moveable pawns,
And farm buildings at suitable nodes.

The Fendom looking East

Attribution: unknown

The Morrich More

Read about the Morrich More.

Part of the Morrich More wasteland

Attribution: unknown

Tain Beach

Read more about Tain Beach and the works that took place over the years to prevent erosion.

All that remains of George Small's efforts

Attribution: unknown

The Raised Beach

Read more about the raised beach at Tain.

The raised beach scarp immediately east of Tain

Attribution: unknown

The Plain of Ross

The land to the south and south east of Tain is part of the Plain of Ross (Machair Ross). This sometimes level, sometimes undulating, plain presents a variegated landscape of fields, woodland and mosses depending on the nature of the underlying deposits. The area immediately south and south east of the town is all fields with a much greater degree of moss and woodland further south and south west. A lot of new single house development has taken place in this latter area especially along the Scotsburn road and around Hartmount and Grantfield.

Plain of Ross

Attribution: unknown

The Upland

Read more about the Upland of Tain.

Top of Tain Hill

Attribution: unknown

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