Nigg and Shandwick Work
Attribution: Anne Gordon & Barbara Scott (Nigg Old Parish Church)
Work Photographs
We have been very fortunate to have received permission to show a large number of photographs covering the various work related activites that have taken place over the decades. We have shown only a very small sample on this page to whet your appetite. Please visit the photograph album at the bottom of this page for many more photographs relating to work activities.
Renewable Energy Construction
By the second decade of the 21st century focus turned to renewable energy production. Nigg has been at the forefront of the construction of wind, wave and tidal turbines.
View more work related photographs.
Welcome to this collection of photographs from Nigg Parish. The originals are held by Mrs Liz Whiteford. The photographs were presented in three albums on the original RCHS website, but as the topics are similar in each album it has been decided to amalgamate them into related groups. All of the photographs can be viewed in the Nigg Libraries page of this website. However, we have included the work related photographs on this page.