Kilmuir Easter Banner

The Kilmuir Easter Banner, which hangs behind the pulpit, commemorates the Bi-centenary of the present church in 1998. The materials used, the design and the work was carried out mainly by members of the local Ladies Sewing Club, which meets weekly in the Community Room at Milton School. The majority of the ladies in the club are members of the church, Dileas Baxter, Pearl Bain and Annie McRae being the main contributors. The Cross and Doves are quilted appliqué and the church is embroidered in wool.

The Kilmuir Easter Banner, which hangs behind the pulpit, commemorates the Bi-centenary of the present church in 1998.

Attribution: unknown


Part of the celebrations included a Pageant.

Part of the centenary celebrations included a Pageant

Attribution: unknown

a commemorative teatowel

Part of the centenary celebrations included a commemorative tea towel

Attribution: unknown

a Flower Festival

Part of Centenary Celebrations: a Flower Festival
Part of Centenary Celebrations: a Flower Festival

Attribution: unknown

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