Invergordon WW II page 1
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Sergeant Major A. Campbell
Date of Paper: 31.03.1944
Surname: Campbell
Forename(s): A.
Rank: Sergeant Major
Regiment: Cameron Highlanders
Home Address: Elliot Road, Invergordon
No Headline
Mrs Campbell, Elliot Road, Invergordon, has received information that her son, Sergt. Major A. Campbell, M.M., Cameron Highlanders, has been killed in action. A regular soldier, he was awarded the Military Medal for bravery on the field in the Middle East.
Photo: #7852

Private John Cross
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Cross
Forename(s): John
Rank: Private, later Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Murray Road, Invergordon
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Reported prisoner of war 27th Sept., 1940. Escaped through Spain to Gibraltar and arrived home in Oct., 1941. Grocer to trade.”
Date of Paper: 05.03.1942
Pte. John Cross, Seaforths, son of Mr and Mrs F. Cross, Murray Road, Invergordon, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry on the field. Pte. Cross was captured by the Germans at St Valery and escaped later, and after many thrilling experiences he arrived safely in October 1941.
Date of Paper: 31.03.1944
Information has been received at Invergordon that Lieut. John Cross, M.M., The Seaforths, has been killed in action. He joined the Seaforths on the outbreak of the War, was captured by the Germans at St Valery, but later made a daring escape and reached this country safely. He was awarded the Military Medal and was decorated by the King at Buckingham Palace. He took his commission in The Seaforths last year. He married Miss Vera Harper of Wick at Invergordon Church of Scotland last year, and by a unique coincidence, was christened and married in the same Church. He was the son of Mr and Mrs F. Cross, Murray Road, Invergordon. He was a general favourite with everyone in Invergordon. He served with Mr D. Mackenzie, grocer, High Street, Invergordon, before the war. A fine footballer, he played for Invergordon Football Club, and being a fine swimmer, took part in many Northern Acquatic Galas. A fine singer, he took part in local concerts. The sympathy of the community is extended to his young widow, his parents, and a brother and sister, and brother-in-law, all in the Forces, in their loss
Instrument Mechanic George Forsyth
Date of Paper: 16.06.1944
Surname: Forsyth
Forename(s): George
Rank: Instrument Mechanic
Regiment: R.E.M.E.
Home Address: Clyde Street, Invergordon
The death has taken place of a popular Invergordon young man in the person of Instrument Mechanic George Forsyth, R.E.M.E., in a Military Hospital in Africa. He was the eldest son of the late George Forsyth and of Mrs Forsyth, Clyde Street, Invergordon. Mobilised on the outbreak of the war with the 4th Seaforths, he was later transferred to the Royal Artillery. He served in India and Africa in the R.E.M.E. Well known in Invergordon, a joiner with Messrs Reid & Macrae, Alness, he was a keen sportsman, a fine footballer and a clever boxer. Sympathy is extended to his mother, his brother, William, in the RAF, and a sister in the NAAFI, and other relatives in their loss.
Lieutenant W. H. George
Date of Paper: 09.03.1945
Surname: George
Forename(s): W. H.
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Royal Scots
Home Address: Lochnagar, High Street, Invergordon
Lieut. W. H. George, Royal Scots, has been wounded on the Western Front. He is the son of Mr W. H. George and Mrs George, “Lochnagar,” High Street, Invergordon.
Company Sergeant Major W. D. Johnstone
Date of Paper: 11.08.1944
Surname: Johnstone
Forename(s): W. D.
Rank: Company Sergeant Major
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Mossfield, Invergordon
News has been received by Mrs Johnstone, Mossfield, Invergordon, that her husband, C.S.M. W. D. Johnstone, The Seaforths, has been wounded in Normandy, and is now progressing in an English hospital. C.S.M. Johnstone crossed to France with the 4th Seaforths in January 1940. He also saw service in the African and Sicily Campaign. A keen Territorial, he was one of them to be chosen to attend the Coronation in London of His Majesty King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
Private R. Macdonald
Date of Paper: 04.08.1944
Surname: Macdonald
Forename(s): R.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: 17 Clyde Street, Invergordon
No Headline
News has been received by Mrs Macdonald, 17 Clyde Street, Invergordon, that her son, Pte. R. Macdonald, The Seaforths, has been wounded in Normandy, and is now progressing in a Scottish hospital. This is the third time Pte. Macdonald has been wounded, first in France in 1940, and again wounded in Sicily in 1943. Two brothers are also serving in The Seaforths, one being a prisoner of war in Germany.
Air Gunner D. Mackay
Date of Paper: 05.05.1944
Surname: Mackay
Forename(s): D.
Rank Sergeant: Air Gunner
Regiment Royal: Air Force
Home Address: 3 High Street, Invergordon
No Headline
Official news has been received by Mr and Mrs D. Mackay, 3 High Street, Invergordon, that their son, Sergt. Air Gunner D. Mackay, RAF, is reported missing during air operations overseas. Another son, Dvr. F. Mackay, R.A.S.C., is serving in Italy.
Handwritten note: “Presumed killed 16th March, 1945.”
Driver F. Mackay
Date of Paper: 05.05.1944
Surname: Mackay
Forename(s): F.
Rank Sergeant: Driver
Regiment Royal Army Service Corps
Home Address: 3 High Street, Invergordon
No Headline
Official news has been received by Mr and Mrs D. Mackay, 3 High Street, Invergordon, that their son, Sergt. Air Gunner D. Mackay, RAF, is reported missing during air operations overseas. Another son, Dvr. F. Mackay, R.A.S.C., is serving in Italy.
Handwritten note: “Presumed killed 16th March, 1945.”
Corporal N. C. Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 19.07.1940
Surname: Mackenzie
Forename(s): N. C.
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Invergordon
No Headline
Corpl. N. C. Mackenzie, The Seaforths, missing, is a native of Invergordon, and was employed with Messrs A. N. Macaulay & Coy., solicitors, Golspie, when the war broke out.
Corporal Norman Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Mackenzie
Forename(s): Norman
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Ivy Cottage, Saltburn, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Employment – Factor’s Clerk. Prisoner of War 27th September, 1940.”
Private William Mackenzie
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Mackenzie
Forename(s): William
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Kindeace, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Employment – Farm Servant. Prisoner of war 9th August, 1940.”
Private William Macleod
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Macleod
Forename(s): William
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Balintraid, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Farm Servant.”
Captain Evan Macmillan
Date of Paper: 04.05.1945
Surname: Macmillan
Forename(s): Evan
Rank: Captain
Regiment: Royal Army Medical Corps
Home Address: West Winds, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Captured at St Valery in June 1940. Liberated 4th May, 1945.”
Sergeant Donald J. Macpherson
Date of Paper: 26.12.1941
Surname: Macpherson
Forename(s): Donald J.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Royal Air Force
Home Address: Joss Street, Invergordon
The Air Ministry have notified Mr D. MacDermid, Joss Street, Invergordon, that his foster son, Sergeant Donald J. Macpherson, RAF, has been officially reported killed while on active service with the RAF. Sergeant Macpherson was a highly popular figure in Invergordon, and was employed by Ross and Cromarty Council in the Municipal Buildings, Invergordon. He took a keen interest in local affairs, and was treasurer of Invergordon Fancy Dress Parade. He assisted Mr Wm. George, secretary, at several Invergordon Highland Gatherings and also at swimming galas, etc. He took part in local A.R.P. functions and was a member of Toc H and Invergordon Boys Athletic Club. Deceased was highly popular with all classes of the community and by his death at 26 years of age Invergordon has lost one of its finest citizens. Full RAF honours were accorded at his funeral.
Private Alexander Miller
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Miller
Forename(s): Alexander
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Heathfield, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Employment – Farm Servant. Prisoner of War 9th August, 1940.”
Sergeant T. Mitchell
Date of Paper: 09.08.1940
Surname: Mitchell
Forename(s): T.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Shore Road, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Mason’s Labourer. Liberated 18th May, 1945.”
Acting Sergeant Hugh Morrison
Date of Paper: 05.07.1940
Surname: Morrison
Forename(s): Hugh
Rank: Acting Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Tomich Farm, Invergordon
No Headline
Handwritten notes: “Missing. Employment – Farm Servant. Prisoner of War 9th August, 1940. Liberated 27th April, 1945.”
Photo: #7848

Flight Lieutenant Ian Mackenzie Munro
Date of Paper: 14.05.1943
Surname: Munro
Forename(s): Ian Mackenzie
Rank: Flight Lieutenant
Regiment: Royal Air Force
Home Address: Salisbury, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), ex-Invergordon
On 3rd May, 1943, Flight Lieutenant Ian Mackenzie Munro, much loved second son of Mr and Mrs William M. Munro, of Salisbury, Rhodesia, and Invergordon, and dear nephew of Mr and Mrs H. A. Ross, Glenaveron, Brora. Interred at Higher Cemetery, Exeter.