Invergordon Locations

Attribution: unknown (Cromarty Firth, Invergordon)

High Street

Invergordon High Street, viewed from the east end.

Invergordon High Street, viewed from the east end.

Attribution: unknown

Flower beds

Flower beds at the west end of Invergordon High Street

Flower beds at the west end of Invergordon High Street

Attribution: unknown

Entering Invergordon looking East

Entering Invergordon, looking east.

Entering Invergordon, looking east.

Attribution: unknown

West Along the Cromarty Firth

Looking west along the Cromarty Firth from the beach at the west end of Invergordon

Looking west along the Cromarty Firth from the beach at the west end of Invergordon

Attribution: unknown

Invergordon and Rigs

Invergordon, plus rigs, and Fyrish hill in the background.

A walk along the shoreline with good views of the oil rigs.

A walk along the shoreline with good views of the oil rigs.     Attribution: unknown

Invergordon, plus rigs, and Fyrish hill in the background.

Attribution: unknown

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