The Fleet

Attribution: unknown (Cromarty Firth, Invergordon)

The Grand Fleet

Invergordon and the Cromarty Firth are synonymous with the Grand Fleet during WW1. RCHS regrets that the ownership of the photographs on this page has not been recorded but will acknowledge the donor if and when advised.

Invergordon and the Cromarty Firth are synonymous with the Grand Fleet during WW1

Attribution: unknown

Invergordon Mutiny

The mention of ‘Invergordon Mutiny’ recalls the time, in 1929, when the Admiralty proposed reductions in seamen’s pay of up to 25% as a significant number of Royal Navy personnel were about to take part in exercises involving the Fleet anchored in the Firth. The men on the battleships Valiant and Rodney were to lead the refusal to fall in for work or to take the ships out of the harbour, and to communicate the action to other ships. This passive resistance took place on 15 September 1929. A petition to the Admiralty to review the proposed reductions brought swift results and it was announced on 21 September that no reductions would exceed 10%.

One of the floating docks used in Fleet repairs during WW1 ??

?? One of the floating docks used in Fleet repairs during WW1 ??  A recent email comment has suggested this may be HMS Argus, the Royal navy’s first Aircraft carrier?(D. Mapley, Jan 2024)  Attribution: unknown

"Wartime History: A Town Transformed"

On 15 July 2017 a group associated with Invergordon Museum launched this booklet showing the impact of both world wars on the town.

Following the success of a leaflet published in 2016 by the same group, dealing with WW1 remains in Invergordon, members decided to continue their research, concentrating on the effects that WW2 had on the town. The booklet is packed with photographs and maps of the town during both conflicts, along with information on buildings used, personnel, nationalities and services involved in the community during those times.

The booklet shows how Invergordon played a crucial role in both world wars with the town transformed by an influx of military personnel.

Sessions hosted by Invergordon Museum and led by Susan Kruze of Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH) were supported with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Invergordon Community Council and a private donor. As many as 50 people attended sessions exploring memories, aerial photographs and archive information.

For further information see

Old postcard of the Fleet at Invergordon.

Old postcard of the Fleet at Invergordon.     Attribution: unknown

The Grand Fleet
The Grand Fleet
The Grand Fleet

Attribution: unknown

HMS Prince of Wales

It is interesting that a photograph such as the one below could not have been taken during World War 1, as in August 1915 strict regulations were drawn up and published throughout Ross-shire.

The regulations prohibited: the carrying or using a camera by any persons not holding a permit (obtained only from the Chief Constable in Dingwall). Photographing within five miles of the Cromarty Firth is forbidden, although it is permitted to photograph one’s friends at one’s own doorstep provided the view is restricted and does not reveal land or seascape. Sketching is under the same ban as photographing. These orders are now operative. Cameras carried without warrant are liable to seizure, but may be restored to their owners after the intelligence authorities have been satisfied as to the innocence of the use of them.​

HMS Prince of Wales

HMS Prince of Wales heading for Invergordon pier in October 2019 during sea trials. Attribution: [Photo courtesy of Alasdair Cameron and taken from the North Sutor.]

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