Attribution: unknown or not recorded


Find out more information about the burial ground and the Edderton pictish stone.

Some of the older gravestones.

Attribution: unknown


Some of the older gravestones.

Attribution: unknown

Place Names of Edderton Parish

This extract was taken, with the permission of the Trustees, from Prof. W.J. Watson’s – ‘Place Names of Ross and Cromarty’. The most recent edition of this work was published by HIGHLAND HERITAGE BOOKS Tir nan Oran, 8 Culcairn Road, Evanton IV16 9YT

Place Names of Ross and Cromarty p23 onwards

Place Names of Ross and Cromarty


View more information about the construction and opening of the Dornoch Firth bridge.

Extra Construction Photo 10

Attribution: unknown

View photos of Edderton Places

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