Attribution: not recorded or unknown

Burial Grounds

There are two burial grounds which service Killearnan.  Killearnan burial ground and the nearby Tore Burial Ground, which is in the community of Knockbain.

Redcastle Parish Churchyard entrance gates

Attribution: unknown


Former Free Church of Scotland, Killearnan

Attribution: unknown


Kilcoy House

Attribution: unknown


School building feature

Attribution: unknown


Attractive feature from the village of Milton of Redcastle

Attribution: unknown


Industrial site at Tore

Attribution: unknown


Play area at Tore village

Attribution: unknown


Lady Bignold cutting the first sod of the Cromarty and Dingwall railway line (sic) on 13 February 1914

Attribution: unknown

Place Names of Killearnan Parish

This extract was taken, with the permission of the Trustees, from Prof. W.J. Watson’s – ‘Place Names of Ross and Cromarty’. The most recent edition of this work was published by HIGHLAND HERITAGE BOOKS Tir nan Oran, 8 Culcairn Road, Evanton IV16 9YT

Place Names of Ross and Cromarty p142

Place Names of Ross and Cromarty

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