Cromarty WW I I Page 1
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Corporal George Munro
Date of Paper: 13.09.1940
Surname: Munro
Forename(s): George
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Farness, Cromarty
Handwritten notes: “Son of Mr and Mrs W. Munro, Farness. Gardener with A. O. S. Spence, Farness. Prisoner of War.”
Lance Corporal George Munro
Date of Paper: 06.09.1940
Surname: Munro
Forename(s): George
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: Seaforth Highlanders
Home Address: Learney, Cromarty
Handwritten notes: “Husband of Mrs Munro, Learney, Cromarty. Prisoner of War. Mrs Munro, daughter of late Mr J. M. Grieve, Learney, who died on 14th August, 1942.”
Gunner George Patience
Date of Paper: 06.11.1942
Surname: Patience
Forename(s): George
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: G.A.A.
Home Address: Cromarty, ex-Ormonde Terrace, Avoch.
Gunner George Patience, G.A.A., who was officially reported missing on June 20, 1942, in the Middle East, is now notified by the War Office as being a prisoner. He is the only son of Mr and Mrs James Patience, Ormonde Terrace, Avoch. His wife and infant son reside at Cromarty.
Major George D. N. Ross
Date of Paper: 26.06.1942
Surname: Ross
Forename(s): George D. N.
Rank: Major
Regiment: Not stated
Home Address: Cromarty House, Cromarty
Official word has been received at Cromarty that Major G. D. N. Ross of Cromarty was wounded in action in the Middle East on 1st June. A cablegram has since been received that he is getting on well. Major Ross is a son of the late Sir Walter C. Ross of Cromarty, and of Lady Ross.
Private William John Summers
Date of Paper: 09.08.1940
Surname: Summers
Forename(s): William J.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Russell Place, Cromarty
Pte. William John Summers, The Seaforths, missing, is the husband of Mrs Summers, Russell Place, Cromarty, and son of Mr and Mrs John Summers, coal merchant, Cromarty.
Handwritten note: “Liberated by Russians in Poland and sent to Odessa 23/3/45.”
Sergeant C. T. Thomson
Date of Paper: 16.08.1940
Surname: Thomson
Forename(s): C. T.
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: 73 Elsey Road, London, ex-Cromarty
Sergt. C. T. Thomson, The Seaforths, a prisoner of war, was prior to the war in the service of Captain Hughes-Hallett, at Brora, and Muck Hadham, Herts. Before joining the Seaforths Sergt. Thomson was with the H.L.I. A native of Cromarty, his wife resides at 73 Elsey Road, London.
Private Donald Fergus Urquhart
Date of Paper: 25.10.1940
Surname: Urquhart
Forename(s) Donald Fergus (also Edwin, Magnus, Rhoda and Victor)
Rank: Private
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Bank Street, Cromarty
Pte. Donald Fergus Urquhart, The Seaforths, prisoner of war, is a son of Mr and Mrs Robert Urquhart, Bank Street, Cromarty. Prior to the war he was an assistant butcher with his father. Other three sons are serving with the Forces. Magnus is with The Seaforths; Edwin is in the Royal Artillery, and Victor is in the Signal Corps. A daughter, Rhoda is a nurse.
Lieutenant Victor Urquhart
Date of Paper: 11.08.1944
Surname: Urquhart
Forename(s) Victor
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Bank Street, Cromarty
Lieut. Victor Urquhart, The Seaforths, killed in action in Normandy, was the youngest son of Mr Robert Urquhart, butcher, and Mrs Urquhart, Bank Street, Cromarty. Prior to enlisting he assisted his father in his business. A brother, Magnus, is serving with The Seaforths in Normandy; another, Edwin, is in the Royal Artillery; and a third is Pte. Fergus Urquhart, The Seaforths, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, having been captured at St Valery in 1940.
Major Gilbert Ferguson Urquhart
Date of Paper: 23.07.1943
Surname: Urquhart
Forename(s): Gilbert Ferguson
Rank: Major
Regiment: Australian Expeditionary Force
Home Address: 9 Heatherbraes Avenue, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia
Major Gilbert Ferguson Urquhart, AEF, killed in action, was a son of Mr Gilbert F. Urquhart, 9 Heatherbraes Avenue, Caulfield, Victoria, Australia, and a grandson of the late Mr R Urquhart, gamekeeper to the late Brig-General Sir Walter C. Ross of Cromarty. An uncle is Mr R Urquhart, butcher, Bank Street, Cromarty. Thirty-one years of age, he went to Australia in 1926. He is survived by his widow and two young children.
Seaman Alexander Watson
Date of Paper: 06.06.1941
Surname: Watson
Forename(s): Alexander (“Sonny”)
Rank: Seaman
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 36 Gordon’s Lane, Cromarty
News has been received that Alexander Watson (“Sonny”) was one of the crew of HMS Hood. Only 21 last birthday, he was well known and particularly well liked. Before being mobilized he served in the Orient Line. Another brother is serving on a mine-sweeper.
Handwritten note: “Killed on HMS Hood”
Able Seaman James Watson
Date of Paper: 15.12.1944
Surname: Watson
Forename(s): James
Rank: Able Seaman
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 36 Gordon’s Lane, Cromarty
A.B. James Watson, RN, lost at sea through enemy action, was a son of Mr and Mrs James Watson, 36 Gordon’s Lane, Cromarty. A younger son made the supreme sacrifice when HMS Hood was sunk.
Petty Officer David Watson
Date of Paper: 21.07.1944
Surname: Watson
Forename(s): David
Rank: Petty Officer
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 95 Shore Street, Cromarty
Handwritten notes: “Son of Mr and Mrs Watson. Killed in action.”
Photo: #7686

Seaman William Watson
Date of Paper: 30.08.1940
Surname: Watson
Forename(s): William
Rank: Seaman
Regiment: Royal Naval Reserve
Home Address: 67 Big Vennel, Cromarty
Seaman William Watson, RNR, died of wounds, belongs to Cromarty, where he resided at 67 Big Vennel.