Cromarty Folk
Attribution: unknown or not recorded
Cromarty Fishers photos taken c.1900
The photographs are in the ownership of Mrs Liz Whiteford who, some years ago, kindly allowed RCHS to make use of them. It is not known who wrote the accompanying article but in the opinion of RCHS it seems appropriate that both photographs and article should appear in the ‘Folk’ section of Cromarty community.
Hugh Miller
The picture shows Hugh Miller, born on 10 October 1802, in this prosperous late Georgian seaport town, was to become well- known as a geologist and naturalist, writer and folklorist. For more information on other residents of Cromarty view the folk page for Cromarty.
Lieutenant John Thomson
The article about Lieutenant John Thomson appeared in the Ross-shire Journal of 8 May 2009 and is reproduced by kind permission of the Editor.
The Middleton's of Rosefarm
4th, 5th and 6th generation farmers of the same family have all played an important role in the development of agricultural research, education and advisory work from 1894 onwards.