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Photo: #5892

Macdonald Alexander, Bombardier, Conon

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Bombardier Alexander Macdonald

Date of Paper: 17.08.1917
Surname: Macdonald
First Name(s): Alexander
Rank: Bombardier
Regiment: R.G.A.
Home Address: Mulchaich, Alcaig, Conon Bridge

Bombardier Alexander Macdonald, R.G.A., who has been severely wounded while serving on the Western front, and is now in an English hospital, is a son-in-law of Mr Donald Maclean, manager, Mulchaich, Alcaig, Conon Bridge. Br. Macdonald is himself a native of Bridgend, Invermoriston. Mr Maclean has a son serving with the London Regiment, and a daughter engaged in military nursing.

A photograph of Bom. Macdonald appears today.

Photo: #5894

Macintyre Patrick B, Capt, Conon

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Captain P.B. MacIntyre

Date of Paper: 10.08.1917
Surname: MacIntyre
First Name(s): Pat
Rank: Captain
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Braelangwell and Findon Mains, Conon Bridge


Mr and Mrs P.B. MacIntyre of Braelangwell and Findon Mains received the sad intelligence on Monday that their younger son Captain P.B. MacIntyre, Seaforths had been killed in France, and as information about the sad event has not yet come to hand; the intimation of death was the first news received.

Captain MacIntyre, who was 32 years of age, was a well and widely known Seaforth officer. On the outbreak of war he at once left the farm and enlisted as a trooper in the Lovat Scouts. Within a day or two he was nominated for a commission in the Ross-shire Seaforths and appointed transport officer, a position he held at the front for over two years when he was promoted brigade transport officer. Captain MacIntyre joined the Seaforths while the regiment was still in the North, proceeded with it to the war station in England, and subsequently, in November, 1914, crossed to France with his unit, the first battalion of the Highland Territorial Division to enter the conflict. Of the officers who went out, Captain MacIntyre ultimately became the sole survivor serving continuously with the regiment. When he was attached to brigade transport none remained.

For his work as battalion transport officer, he earned the high opinion of all concerned. Quiet, unassuming, firm and dogged, no matter the difficulties, through the first and successive winters and summers of war Captain MacIntyre “got there” and got there “on time”. Only those who know the difficulties of the position can appreciate the burdensomeness of the work, and the terrible conditions under which at times duty has to be done. Beloved and followed faithfully by his men, he brought his own sound practical knowledge to keeping his horses fit, a task, particularly in winter, which has tried and tested many transport officers. His promotion to a more responsible position was very popular and well-earned. He was recently specially mentioned for his splendid services. Otherwise, among his fellow-officers and with the rank and file, he was much respected and esteemed. Naturally reserved, those who broke the crust of his reticence found below one of the finest and most companionable of men; kindly, loyal, and staunch. Among Seaforths far and near his death will be deeply regretted, and sympathy will go our freely to the stricken home in Ross-shire.

In civil life, Captain MacIntyre was an agriculturist. Educated at Inverness and Edinburgh Institution, he took a course in agriculture at Edinburgh University, and in order to round off his business training spent three years in the law offices of Messrs Innes & Mackay, solicitors Inverness. His father, largely taken up with his work as a member of the Crofters’ Commission, eventually installed Captain MacIntyre to the general management of the farms of Findon Mains and Braelangwell. The work, for which he was well-equipped by technical training and practical experience, was most congenial to him. In particular he deeply interested himself in the Braelangwell and Findon shorthorns, a choice herd, the care, attention, and building up of which was one of the hobbies of father and son. Otherwise he proved himself the worthy son of a great agriculturist, and was one of a bright galaxy of young Ross-shire farmers who promised to carry on well the high traditions of farming in the Highlands. In the civil community he was well-known and widely esteemed, and his death is greatly regretted.

Mr and Mrs MacIntyre and their family of one remaining son and five daughters have the sincere sympathy of a very wide body of people practically all over the Highlands of Scotland where “the Commissioner” is well known.

A photograph of Captain MacIntyre appears to-day

Photo: #5913

Mackenzie Donald, Pte, Conon

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Photo: #5911

Mackenzie Donald, Pte, Conon

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Photo 2014 by Donald’s niece, Mhairi Mackenzie.

Photo: #5912

Mackenzie Donald, Pte, Conon

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Photograph courtesy of David Bonney, husband of Donald Mackenzie’s niece, Linda.

Private Donald Mackenzie

Date of Paper: 10.03.1916
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): Donald
Rank: Private
Regiment: 1/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Wester Alcaig, Conon Bridge.

Mackenzie, Private D., 1500, H (Brahan) Coy., wounded 11th March, died of wounds 26th March, 1915; farm servant, and resided at Wester Alcaig, Conon Bridge. [Age 17]

Additional information about Private Donald Mackenzie has been provided by his nephew, Arthur Gibbons:

Letter from Donald, written by Chaplain, J. E. H. Williams, CF (C of E)
No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station, British Expeditionary Force, 23 Mar. 15.

My dear Father

This is just to tell you that I am still in this hospital and expect to be moved in a couple of days time. The sister says that I am getting satisfactory as my temperature is slightly lower and I get some sleep at night. My breath is still difficult and I have a cough which is very sore but please God I hope I shall pull through all right.

Please give my love to Rachael and Sibie (sisters) and Kenny and Willie (brothers) and tell them that I am thinking of them.

I think that this is all this time.

With my best love to you and Mother
Your loving son Donald

Memorandum dated 28th April 1915:

Stamp of Terrl. Force Records Office, Perth, ref. No. 16/894
To Mr A. Mackenzie, Alcaig, Conon Bridge 28th April 1915
The enclosed note of Burial and Location of Graves has been received from the War Office, with instructions to send you a copy of same.
A. Scott Elliot, Col., Officer i/c Terrl.Force Record Office

Note reads:
28th April, 1915. T.F. Record Office, Perth.
4th Battn. Seaforth Highlanders
Return of Burial and Location of Graves No. 1500, Private Donald Mackenzie, Died of Wounds, 26th March 1915. Buried in Local Cemetery, Lillers.

Extract from Commonwealth War Graves Commission website:

In Memory of Private D Mackenzie, 1500, 4th Bn., Seaforth Highlanders who died age 17 on 26 March 1915. Private Mackenzie, Son of Mary Anne Mackenzie of Newton of Novar, Evanton, Ross-shire. Remembered with honour Lillers Communal Cemetery.
Commemorated in perpetuity by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

The inscription reads:
1500 Private D. Mackenzie
Seaforth Highlanders
26th March 1915
Deep respect is due to him
from those he left behind.
A better brother never lived.

Donald Mackenzie’s brother, T4-087864 Driver Alexander Mackenzie, survived the war, having served with the Army Service Corps in Salonica and then with the Cameron Highlanders in France.

Photo: #5901

Mackenzie Alexander, Driver, Conon

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Photo: #5902

Mackenzie Alexander, Driver, Conon

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These three photographs show Driver Alexander Mackenzie (the latter two thought to be in Salonica)

Photo: #5903

Mackenzie Alexander, Driver, Conon

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See entry above for details of his brother Donald Mackenzie

Photo: #7662

Lance Corporal George Mackenzie

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Lance Corporal George Mackenzie

Date of Paper: 29.03.1918
Surname: Mackenzie
First Name(s): George
Rank: Lance Corporal
Regiment: 6th Camerons
Home Address: Balnabeen, Conon Bridge

L./Cpl. George Mackenzie, 6th Camerons, son of Mr and Mrs G. Mackenzie, Balnabeen, Conon Bridge, Ross-shire, was reported missing on 19th November, 1917. Subsequently inquiries were conducted through the Red Cross Society, with the result that further information has been received which indicates that he was made prisoner of war, and, unfortunately, it is feared, has since died in German hands. An officer of the K.O.S.B. has reported that the pocket book of L./Cpl. Mackenzie had been found in a German internment camp, and that it was believed the man had died. The parents are much concerned, and any further information which may come through British prisoners of war in Germany will be gratefully received.

L./Cpl. Mackenzie joined early in 1917, and had been on the Western Front a short time before he was reported missing. Before joining up he was a ploughman on a farm near Inverness. A photograph appears today.

Photo: #5914

Mackintosh Duncan, Pte, Conon

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Private Duncan Mackintosh

Date of Paper: 17.12.1915
Surname: Mackintosh
First Name(s): Duncan
Rank: Private
Regiment: H (Brahan) Company, Seaforths
Home Address: Corntown, Conon Bridge

The above is a photograph of 1876 Private Duncan Mackintosh, H (Brahan) Company, reported killed on 30th November. Deccased was the son of Mr and Mrs Peter Mackintosh, Corntown, Conon Bridge. He was a ploughman at Balnain when the war broke out, and he mobilised with Brahan Company. Duncan was a great favourite in the Dingwall and Maryburgh districts, where he was well-known, his father having been for many years in the district as foreman at Drynie and Dochcarty.

Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Mackintosh, who have other two sons with the Colours.

Photo: #5921

Macleay John, Sgt, Conon

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Sergeant John Macleay

Date of Paper: 17.12.1915
Surname: Macleay
First Name(s): John
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: 7th Camerons
Home Address: Conon Bridge

16100 Sergeant John Macleay, 7th Camerons, of whom the above is a photograph, is in the Red Cross Hospital, Saffron Walden, Essex, suffering from wounds received in the battle of Loos on 25th September, and is progressing slowly. He is the son of Mr Donald Macleay, mason, Conon Bridge, and previous to the war was in the service of Sir T. Glen Coats, Ferguslie Park, Paisley.

Photo: #5918

Macrae Martin, Pte,Conon

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Private Martin Macrae

Paper: 02.08.1918
Surname: Macrae
First Name(s): Martin
Rank: Private
Regiment: 6th Gordons
Home Address: Balnabeen Farm, Conon Bridge


Pte. Martin Macrae, 6th Gordons, son of Mrs Macrae, Balnabeen Farm, Conon Bridge, formerly posted missing, reports in a post card to his mother that he is a prisoner of war in Limburg Camp, Germany, where several men of his famous Division are interned. His post card, dated 12/4/18, was a very long time en route. Adopting the German printed form, he reports himself “sound”. Before joining up Pte. Macrae was employed with Mr C. M. Bruce, Burgie Lodge, Forres.

A photo appears today.

Photo: #5906

Macrae Roderick J, Gunner, Conon

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Gunner Roderick J. Macrae

Paper: 08.02.1918
Surname: Macrae
First Name(s): Roderick J.
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: 3/4th Seaforths
Home Address: Conon Bridge


A photograph appears today of Gnr. Roderick J. Macrae, son of Mr and Mrs Macrae, Conon Bridge, who, as already reported, has been missing since November 27, 1917. Gnr. Macrae joined the 3/4th Seaforths in June 1916, and after serving for three months joined the Tank Corps. He had been on the Western Front for some time. Before joining up he was an assistant with Mr Wm. Mackenzie, grocer, Dingwall.

The parents will be grateful for any information.

Page updated on 25 August 2023

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