Avoch and Killen WW I page1
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Rev. Edwin J. Brechin
Date of Paper: 18.01.1918
Surname: Brechin
First Name(s): Edwin J.
Rank: Rev.
Home Address: Avoch
At the end of last March the Rev. Edwin J. Brechin, B.D., minister of Avoch, left for France to take up work in connection with the Scottish Churches’ Huts, which is now one of the best known organisations working with the troops in the great base camps. For the first four months Mr Brechin had charge of the “Glasgow Huts,” one of the largest huts owned by the Committee, since then he has acted as general superintendent of the part of the work under the care of the Church of Scotland. Mr Brechin’s knowledge of France, and of the French language, well fit him for such an appointment. His long stay in Paris, as minister of the Scottish Church has also helped him to form a numerous circle of acquaintances, a very useful thing to one in the position he now occupies.
The Committee are at present considering wide extensions of their work both in the North and in the South of France, they are also consulting with the officials on the spot as to beginning work among the members of the W.A.A.C. This work demands delicate handling, and the Committee is fortunate in having one with such wide experience as their superintendent at the present moment, when these negotiations are in progress.
Seaman Gunner William Brodie
Date of Paper: 27.07.1917
Surname: Brodie
First Name(s): William
Rank: Seaman Gunner
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 7 Margaret Street, Avoch
Seaman Gunner William Brodie, 7 Margaret Street, Avoch, has made the supreme sacrifice for King and country. While homeward bound form the Mediterranean to Cardiff his ship was torpedoed by an enemy submarine without any warning. Gunner Brodie joined up at the beginning of hostilities, and, although only a youth of 21 years, had many thrilling experiences, and among them the fall of Antwerp. He was a bright, intelligent lad; much respected by his captain and men of his ship.
He was a son of Mr William Brodie, Avoch, who has another two sons serving in H.M.S ships, while he himself is also serving in Admiralty works in the North. Much regret is felt at his early death. A photograph appears to-day.
Major G. M. Cameron
Date of Paper: 21.05.1920
Surname: Cameron
First Name(s): G. M.
Rank: Major
Regiment: Seaforths
Home Address: Avoch
At the Military Investiture which was held in Aberdeen by Prince Henry, Major G. M. Cameron, Avoch, received the Territorial decoration. During the past few years he did special service in the training depots, and on the formation of the 2/4th Seaforths, was senior officer; afterwards, on being appointed to command the 3/4th Seaforths, he was promoted Major in May, 1915. Major Cameron first joined in the 1st V. B. Seaforth Highlanders in February, 1891, as a private and passed through the various ranks, and now, at his own request, has been placed in the T. F. Reserve, having completed over 29 years’ service in the Territorial Army. As a marksman Major Cameron is well known, and on several occasions attended the National Rifle Association meeting at Bisley with great success. In 1911 he formed the 1st Avoch Boys Scouts Troop, and again last year, after being in abeyance, he resuscitated the troop.
Seaman Alex Clark R.N.R
Date of Paper: 12.01.1917
Surname: Clark
First Name(s): Alexander
Rank: Seaman
Regiment: Royal Naval Reserve
Home Address: Dock Cottage, Avoch
The above portrait is of Seaman Alex Clark, R.N.R., who lost his life on a mine-sweeper on November 5th, 1916, which was driven on the rocks “somewhere” on the East Coast. Ten of the crew were rescued and three others killed. There was much regret when it became known in the village of Avoch that Seaman Clark had been killed. He was a promising seaman and very attentive in many duties. When home on leave six weeks previous he looked very fit, and had a kind smile for all whom he met. In his last letter home he was looking forward to his birthday, and planning kind remembrances for the folks at home, so as to make its celebrations a pleasant memory. But he was gone a week previous to the happy event, thus in his twenty-sixth year. His mother, residing at Dock Cottage, Avoch, has received many expressions of sympathy. She has another two sons in the Navy.
Note: In the photographs associated with ‘surname C’ there is that of Private M Clark but with no details.
Gunner John Dinwoodie
Date of Paper: 02.08.1918
Surname: Dinwoodie
First Name(s): John
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Tank Corps
Home Address: The Kennels, Rosehaugh, Avoch.
Gunner John Dinwoodie, who has been awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous service in the Tank Corps during operations on the Western Front, has been on duty with the Tanks since they first entered the field. He has kept quite fit. The eldest son of Mr and Mrs Dinwoodie, The Kennels, Rosehaugh, Avoch, A younger brother, Pte. Wm. Dinwoodie, served in France with the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders until invalided with trench feet a few months ago. A photo appears to-day.
Handwritten note: “Gazetted M.M. 6.9.18”
Photo: #5871

Sergeant Robert Carlton Feltus M.S.M
Date of Paper: 27.12.1918
Surname: Feltus
First Name(s): Robert Carlton
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment: Canadian Army Service Corps
Home Address: 1, Rose Street, Avoch.
While the bells were ringing their joyful tidings that hostilities had ended, news came to Avoch, Ross-shire, that No. 331132 Sergeant Robert Carlton Feltus, M.S.M., Canadian Army Service Corps, died in hospital at Camiers, France, on November 5th, from influenza. He was in his 30th year. The youngest son of the late Mr W. Carlton Feltus, and Mrs Feltus, Beebe, Stanstead, County Quebec, Canada, he is the husband of Mrs Helen Feltus, at present residing at 1 Rose St., Avoch.
Prior to his enlistment, Sergeant Carlton Feltus was in an automobile business in Winnipeg, and while there he first met his wife, whom he married at Avoch sixteen months ago. That was his first visit to Scotland. He was once home again on leave, and seemed a fine soldierly Canadian, and one willing to do his share in the war. Sergt. Feltus received the Meritorious Service Medal in June this year. The sympathy of those who knew him is now extended to his young widow and relatives abroad.
Mrs Feltus has received many expressions of sympathy, including a message from the King and Queen. Lt. Heron Hudson, in a letter to the widow, says: “Dear Mrs Feltus – Major Harris tells me that he has broken the news of your great loss to you, and as one who new him better than the Major, I am writing these lines to express my sympathy for your loss. Your husband was with my section both as a corporal and sergeant. During all that time he has worked quietly and steadily, setting an example both to me and my section, of coolness and disregard of danger. Two occasions stand out most clearly in my memory, and are an example of what he has been doing whilst with this unit. At Passchendaele, in the fall of 1917, we were hauling engineers material through St. Jean and Wielize to a dump named Kansas Cross. The road leading to it was made was made of planks just wide enough for two lorries abreast, and was systematically shelled. It was here he earned the M.S.M., which he did not received till some time later, and I can assure you it was well earned.
“Two days out of three he would be working along this road, and on many occasions helped drivers to get their trucks out of difficult and dangerous places. On another occasion during the Amiens show this summer he showed his disregard of danger. Two lorries of this unit lost their way and were stopped by machine gun fire in No Man’s Land, one driver being killed and the other badly wounded. I was detailed to save those lorries, and took three men with me. On the way up we meet Bob coming back after having been up to examine the lorries, but was unable to get near them in daylight. Without a word he joined our party, although he had been out all day. On arriving at the place where the lorries were, I stopped to examine the first one, but Bob went ahead, and with the aid of Corpl. Mackenzie pushed the second lorry back out of No Man’s Land, and thus enabled us to tow both lorries back. The Germans had machine guns trained on the road, and if they had seen or heard anything they would certainly have opened fire.
“His death was a great blow to me, as in him the unit lost a real man, whilst I lost a friend. What it must be to you I cannot imagine, but I hope you will accept these assurances of my sympathy and grief. I find it hard to express my feelings in a letter, but if there is anything I can do to soften the blow, don’t hesitate to let me know.”
Major E. M. Harris, in a letter, writes:
“We all feel his loss very much, and his conduct during the time I knew him was exemplary whenever called upon for any duty. He was always willing and cheerful to go, and his bravery was unequalled. He is greatly missed by all his section and by the officers with whom he came in contact, and, in fact, by the whole company.”
Driver D. Cameron, a personal friend, writes: “I have always admired him for his staunchness, courage, fidelity, and kindness. Words are of little avail in assuaging the grief caused by such a loss but I trust that later, when perspective lends a clearer vision, you will be comforted by the assurance that your husband did his part so nobly during these years of war before he was called upon to make the supreme sacrifice.”
A photo appears to-day.
Lieutenant David Fleming
Date of Paper: 27.09.1918
Surname: Fleming
First Name(s): David
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Seaforths / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Home Address: The Schoolhouse, Avoch.
Lieutenant David Fleming, Seaforths, attached Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, has been home at Avoch on leave from France, looking very fit. He was awarded recently the French Croix de Guerre, 1st Class, with Palms, and his meritorious success adds to the many honours already won by the gallant 4th Seaforths, to which Lieut. Fleming was commissioned in 1915, after serving as a private in Royal Scots in France. Lieut. Fleming was slightly wounded. He is the only son of Mr and Mrs Fleming, The Schoolhouse, Avoch. A photo of Lt. Fleming appears today.
Seaman Lewis Jack
Date of Paper: 08.06.1917
Surname: Jack
First Name(s): Lewis
Rank: Seaman
Regiment: Royal Navy
Home Address: 6, James Street, Avoch.
Seaman Lewis Jack is the third son of Mr and Mrs Lewis Jack, 6 James Street, Avoch, and took part in the Antwerp attack, afterwards finding refuge on Dutch soil. The above portrait was taken at Groningen.
His two elder brothers have been with the Black Watch on active service for two years, and his youngest brother in the Navy, having seen service abroad.