Avoch and Killen WW I page 3
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Attribution: Image by Bruce Mewett from Pixabay
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Two Soldier Sons
There is reproduced to-day photographs of two soldier sons of Mr George Mackay, Killin Farm, Avoch.
Private George Mackay
Date of Paper: 18.01.1918
Surname: Mackay
First Name(s): George
Rank: Private
Regiment: Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders
Home Address: Killin Farm, Avoch
Pte. George Mackay, Argyle and Sutherland is the elder son is 28 years of age. Before joining the Army he was in the Police Force. He has been out a long time, joining in July, 1915, and has shared in some hard fought fights. He has been twice wounded first in August, 1916, and again in November, 1917.
Private James Mackay
Date of Paper: 18.01.1918
Surname: Mackay
First Name(s): James
Rank: Private
Regiment: Scots Guards
Home Address: Killin Farm, Avoch
Pte. James Mackay, of the famous Scots Guards, the veritable “Jocks,” joined up in January1916. He also has seen much service, and has also been twice wounded, first in December, 1916, and again in October, 1917. Before entering the Army he was a gardener. Both sons are splendid types of manhood, and fine Highlanders.
two Avoch Heros
The following two records are the sons of Mr and Mrs John Mann
Gunner George Mann
Date of Paper: 12.05.1916
Surname: Mann
First Name(s): George
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Machine Gun Corps
Home Address: Burnfarm, Avoch
Above is reproduced photographs of two sons of Avoch who took part in the war. Gunner George Mann, Burnfarm, grandson of the late Mr and Mrs R. Mann, was studying for the C.E. examinations in the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, when he answered the call in April 1918, joining the Machine Gun Corps (Heavy Section). He went to France the same year, and in the month of September was reported missing.
Photo: #5855

Private Roderick J. Mann
Date of Paper: 12.05.1916
Surname: Mann
First Name(s): Roderick J.
Rank: Private
Regiment: Gordon Highlanders / Gloucester Regiment
Home Address: Burnfarm, Avoch
Pte. Roderick J. Mann is a son of Mr and Mrs John Mann, Bogfarm. A banker by profession, he enlisted when he came of military age in July last in the Gordon Highlanders, from which he was subsequently transferred to the Gloucester Regiment. He was trained and ready for France when the Armistice was signed.