Attribution: Collage by Siobhan Fraser

Fishermen's stores

Although the harbour no longer accommodates the numbers of fishing boats it used to, there are still many local men involved in the industry. Generally they travel to the West coast and sail from there but they still require places to store their gear and this is one such near the primary school.

Fishermen's stores

Attribution: unknown

Fish Farm base

Avoch Bay has a salmon fish farm owned by Western Isles Seafood Company Ltd and is accessed from the Industrial Site at the end of Ormonde Terrace where they keep their equipment.

Fish Farm base

Attribution: unknown

Pumping station

When the new sewage treatment works were built at the West of the village this pumping station was placed halfway along Henrietta Street. Because it is a conservation area the station is housed in one of the fishermen’s cottages.

Pumping station

Attribution: unknown

Sewage treatment works

In the mid 1990s these works were discreetly built at the west of the village below Ormonde Hill. The access road has become popular with those who enjoy a gentle walk along the shoreside.

Sewage treatment works

Attribution: unknown

Avoch Industrial Estate Sign

Industrial Estate sign

Attribution: unknown

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